chapter fourteen

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THREATENEDmind games - sickick

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mind games - sickick

A lot has happened the past few weeks - the appearance of my wings, my mom lashing out, moving into the dorms with Aizawa, and even meeting Hawks. Even so, I tried my best to endure each obstacle that was thrown at me. Though, it proved to be difficult since my usual trainings were affected by the weight of the wings and how it may affect my performance in the upcoming Sports Festival.

As for my family...well, I tried to call my mom for an explanation but all I got was a voicemail at the end of the line. Aizawa promised me that she needed more time but her reaction didn't make sense to me. She was my biggest and sole supporter after my grandmother how could she easily have left me alone in this new journey? I wanted to make sure that my younger brother was okay too..

Aiko sighed as the call went to voicemail again. She had heard the same voice and sentence so many times that she could repeat it to anyone in a heartbeat. Aiko was walking towards the dormitory after running around a nearby park to prepare for the Sports Festival tomorrow but that was the least of her worries. She didn't invite anyone to the event and for the first time ever, she felt alone. Of course, Aiko was surrounded by her teachers, friends and even role models the past few weeks but she still felt cold and her heart sank every time she thought of her family.

Her family was looking forward to this event since last year and Aiko recalled her little brother supporting her and anticipating to watch the festival in real life. She could only smile at the memory of her loving brother before a man stopped her from the front.

The suspicious man was wearing a business suit with a stern look on his face. He had a buzzcut and facial scarring across his right eyebrows and cheek. Aiko raised an eyebrow in question before stepping aside to continue walking but the man mirrored her step. Believing it could be an accident, she moved to the side again and the man continued. Aiko scrunch her eyebrows before a voice called out to her.

"Natsume Aiko?"

She turned her head to see a black car with its door open, revealing a woman in her late thirties, wearing a business suit as well, waiting for her. Aiko cleared her throat before looking to her sides.

"Who?" Aiko replied.

"You are Natsume Aiko, correct?"

" Nope, never heard of that name," Aiko tried to manoeuvre away from the sidewalk but the suited man held her forearm.

"Dude get off of me!"

"Please do not struggle, I just want to have a word with you," The elder woman commanded.

"A word?! This looks like kidnapping! Help! Someone hel-" A hand muffled her mouth before she was shoved into the tinted car. Aiko expected it to be squeezy but surprisingly, it was similar to a limousine where the seats were facing each other. Aiko sat up and the door beside her was slammed shut. It was dim but Aiko could still inside the vehicle where the woman facing her had dirty blonde hair in a bob. Her eyes were emotionless and her face did not wear any smiles. From the looks of it, Aiko or anyone could tell that she was a very strict person, reminding Aiko of her grandmother.

"I do not wish to repeat myself, young lady. I believe it is rude to lie about one's identity as well," The woman strictly stated before pulling out a box of cigarettes. Aiko frowned, sitting comfortably and preening her feathers that got messy from the shove.

The car began moving and Aiko looked around, attempting to find ways to escape this 'kidnapping'.

"This must come as a shock to you-"

"No shit-"

The lady cleared her throat as she lit her cigarette bud up. Her eyes were sharp as they stared at Aiko, as if warning her to be quiet. Aiko was hesitant - whether to keep pissing the woman off or to follow her instructions. The winged girl followed the latter. There were too many things that had occurred the past month that a simple kidnapping by a business women did not faze her.

The cigarette bud burnt as the lady took it in, probably as a form of de-stressing.

"My name is Mdm May. I am formally introducing myself as a secretary for one of the classified higher-ups of Hero Public Safety Commission. I am sure you are well aware of the organization."

She puffed smokes as she talked. Her manner of speaking was strict but quiet causing Aiko to concentrate fully on her words.

"..yes, I am," Aiko replied.

Hero Public Safety Commission...that's where Hawk's worked right? I think he mentioned it this about him?

"Good. I brought you here to inform you regarding your school's Sports Festival tomorrow. You will be participating, yes?"

The young girl nodded.

"The organization wishes you do not."

"Excuse me?"

"Your wings, little girl, can bring chaos and panic to the general public if that incident is brought up. We're simply preventing any...mishaps from happening."

"But that has nothing to do with me! It's just wings! I can't even control them!"

"That's the issue-" the lady pointed the cigarette at Aiko's face - "you can't control it. What happens if it goes out of control and hurt others? What if it corrupts you in the midst of a fight, turning a sparring to a murdering spree?"

"That's extreme. They're just wings. I've not hurt anyone with it since I got them!"

"The unknown increases the chance of harming people. We're doing the greater good of not injuring the public..simply do not attend and all is well," The lady put out her cigarette in a nearby ashtray. She crossed her legs and faced Aiko with a calm expression.

In contrast, Aiko angrily stared back. She had been waiting to participate in the Sports Festival, why was this brought up?

"Or what? You gonna threaten me?"

"We have the power to do so, yes," - She nodded slowly, closing her eyes and Aiko swore there was a small smirk from her wrinkled mouth.

"But we are just advising you,"

The car had stopped infront of Aizawa's house.

How did they..know I live here? Have they been stalking me?

The door opened for Aiko, prompting her to leave the car. As she stepped outside, the lady spoke again causing the winged girl to turn.

"For the greater good, little girl. You don't know what your wings will bring to the public - good or bad."

Aiko clenched her fist. How could they simply told her to not attend her school festival? What's more, that she trained like hell for it. She wasn't even contracted or related to the organization. With all her might, she spat out the words angrily to the elder woman.

"Fuck your greater good"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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