chapter six

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control - halsey

The air was tense.

Aiko was trembling in excitement. Aizawa was focused. The student and teacher were facing each other off in one of the UA gyms. Aiko was wearing her school gym uniform while Aizawa had his normal black outfit on with his scarf around him and his goggles utilised. The heavy air surrounded the both of them. Aiko smiled sinisterly at the man before him before she ran through the different scenarios that could happen during the fight.

I know that he can deactivate quirks with his eye but it will be hard for me to fight long range with my quirk. There's so many ways this could go to but the main two beginnings would either be:

1) He activates his quirk on me from the beginning so I would have no choice but to fight quirk-less. But this could be disadvantageous to him if he isn't able to wrap me up with his scarf and I come into close contact with him. I can't underestimate him on close combat as well. He's a Pro Hero, I'm sure he has more than one ace up his sleeve.

2) He lets me use my quirk for the first half of the match but deactivated it at crucial times to catch me off guard. This gives him the upper hand then because I would have to be cautious at all times, decreasing my power level and also not being able to use one of my powerful moves against him or I will be knocked down in an instant.

He has his goggles on so I will have to get rid of that first. Both scenarios would have me engage him in close combat. If he wants it so bad then I'll give him that!

In a blink of an eye, Aiko rushed head first towards him. Aizawa was startled by the movement and confusion in his head. Should he activate his quirk or no? He couldn't tell if she was going to use her quirk or engage in close combat. He decided to choose the first option - activate his quirk in case she activated hers.

His eyes turned glowing red and his long hair was lifted into the air. His stance showed that he was ready for her attack.

Aiko, who had expected this, smirked before pulling her fist back to punch his face.

Good. If he activated his quirk, I'll wait until he blinks or I make sure that his eyes are closed then I'll use my powers. For now, I'll destroy those goggles of yours. There's always a flaw to everyone, sleeping beauty.

Aizawa dodged the punch headed towards him while keeping his eyes on her. He was eyeing her movement and muscles to see if there was a pattern he could disrupt or if she was going to use her quirk. She continued punching him from left to right while he tried to deflect and avoid them. Some punches had hit his hips and shoulders but none were fatal. He felt like she was toying with him.

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