chapter nine

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TEACH ME, HAWKSsong not available!

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Hawks sauntered to the helpless girl.

He had placed the teenager's phone back on table without ending the call. The voice on the line was cold and rude to him and his bird quirk wasn't helping him either. He knew that what he was going to do was just for pure entertainment and self-satisfaction but who could blame him? Even he didn't know why he was so petty.

"Let me help you with that, babe," he purposely raised his voice so the person on the line could hear. Aiko just lets it be since she was oblivious to the phone call and this was just Hawks's personality - much like how he called her sweetheart.

The jacket in Aiko's hand was quickly taken by Hawks. He  could see that her wings were bigger than any wings but smaller than his. In contrast to her wings, however, Hawks could manipulate each of his feathers so only his base would be left and he could easily slip into his back holes.

"Relax, babe. If you're so tense then I can't make it fit through your small hole,"

Aiko followed his words in command. She tried to calm herself and relax her tense muscle. Slowly, she could feel her wings lower a little and bunch up like the letter 'M' as always. Now, it was smaller than what it usually was.

"That's right, sweetheart. Just like that," Hawks assured and added a little moan, still smirking evilly. He wanted to make sure that the person on the line could hear everything. He helped Aiko with one side which was successful with the jacket's elastic material but the other side proved to be difficult.

Aiko could feel her muscle tense again, causing her wings to be bigger. When the Pro Hero attempted to squeeze her wings through, the small girl let out a yelp.

"Ah! That hurts, asshole! You're too rough,"

"Oh? Do you want me to be softer then? You're not relaxing at all kid and this hole is so damn tight," Hawks groaned. As much as he wanted to have fun with the prank, Aiko's wings were restraining itself from entering the jacket's holes at the back. It was as if it didn't want to obey any of the two people in the room.

With that, the phone call had slipped by Hawk's mind.

After much groans and yelps of pain, the pair had finally placed the jacket on Aiko. The two took a deep sigh and flopped on each couch respectively, their heads back to lying on the top.

"Even though I'm a Pro Hero that fights off villain and work out a lot everyday, that was a lot of exercise," Hawks stated out loud, his arm muscles aching.

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