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Jin and I weren't idiots. We knew due to the nature of our social situation, the cameras that were in every corner of the house were very necessary for our safety. However...

That did not mean that we weren't going to pretend that we were going to sneak out of my room, and back in by the time we were done with the pool.

And we were going to pretend that we are getting away with it, with no one catching us.

"Alright, we cant go down the slide because it will make a huge splashing noise." Jin said as we both looked down from the balcony.

"There are steps over there." I pointed toward the far side of the wall opposite from the pool. "They look stable." I said walking over to the side and placing my hand on the first step. I tried to shake it by pushing on it hard but there was no movement.

"No way!" He protested, making me scoff and roll my eyes.

"Pussy." I called him.

He raised an eyebrow at me but failed at hiding the smile that slowly started to creep over his lips. "I cant believe you called me that." He said in a low, soft tone.

"You want to do this or not? No one said it would be easy."

It took him a second, our eyes locked into one another's before he he spoke again.

"I'm going first." He made his way over to me. I smiled and backed up, but as he was right up against me he dipped his head giving me a hard, yet swift kiss on my lips. I smiled at his action, watching him look over the side to gage how he will make it down.

I heard him take a deep breath before gripping the railing of the balcony and throwing a leg over it. I watched the muscles in his arm flex hard, and I allowed myself to appreciate the rest of the toned muscle all over his body. The tank top that he had thrown on was tight against his skin. I could see the outline of his pecks and abs, and I felt no shame staring until he finally started to descend down the steps.

"Steady enough?" I asked him.

"Surprisingly so." He said taking slow steps.

"Alright, I'm coming down." I told him.

"Just be careful." He called back up to me.

Adrenaline was running through me as I started to make my way down those steps, one by one. Jin reached the ground before I did of course and as my hips became reachable for his extended arms, he held on to me as I made the final few steps.

"So far so good." I breathed as I wiped off my hands and turned toward him.

"Very true." He replied before looking around. "I don't see anyone."

"Good." I grinned, taking his hand and pulling him along as I made my way to the pool. Once we made it to the edge I felt a certain type of rush run through my veins.

It seemed so minor. To stand here and look down at the water of the pool that I had been in several times over the last several weeks. A very minor event, skinny dipping with my betrothed.

But something I had never done before.

Something he had never done before.

Something we could do for the first time together.

Starting to make memories like we would have years ago, had we had the chance.

In the corner of my eye I saw Jin slip off his tank top, then shorts, leaving him naked as he slipped into the water. He went below the surface briefly before coming back up and looking up at me as he pushed his hair out of his face.

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