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I woke the next morning to the soothing touch of Jin's fingertips dragging softly against my skin. I felt chills un up and down my body as he continued to touch me softly. I didn't want to move. As I laid there, I became more awake, realizing that I was up against a bare chested Jin with one of my arms draped around his stomach. My face was resting into his shoulder, the arm wrapped around me from under me holding onto my tightly. He was slightly facing me, which is why his other arm was able to reach me, caressing my skin.

The TV was playing in the background, but the way that Jin was laying he couldn't have been watching it. There is no way he would be able to see what was playing.

I took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out with a content hum. I could stay here forever.

As the palm of his hand flattened against my bare back, I felt him take a very deep breath, letting it out in a content sigh of his own. He moved just slightly, his nose burring itself under my forehead in an attempt to get closer to me.

I smiled and tightened my grip on him, pulling my body closer to his.

"Are you awake now?" I heard him ask, his voice low and soft.

"I am." I replied, his hands pulling me just as close.

"I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No." I replied, keeping still. "Did I wake you?"

"No." He said. There was a long pause before he spoke again. "I've been up for a while, we fell asleep with the TV on."


There was a comfortable pause before he started to use his fingertips against my skin again, only making me more comfortable where I was. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I didn't expect to enjoy waking up to you as much as did. You fit perfectly in my arms." He explained as he tightened his arms around me. "And you are so soft and warm."

He smiled against his chest. "You didn't expect to enjoy it?"

"Let me clarify." he chuckled. "I just didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I am, right now."

"I take offence." I joked.

"Oh no." He mocked with a chuckle. "How do I mend your offence my queen?"

"Mmmmm, well keep cuddling me for starters. I love cuddles and you are pretty good at them."

"It will be my pleasure." He whispered in my ear, kissing just below it. "What else?"

"Maybe shower with me once we get up?" I asked, feeling his heart rate start to increase, making me smile. "I mean, you're the one that made such a mess of me."

I felt him hum and lean slightly bringing up my arm to kiss the palm of my hand. "Yes, your majesty." He growled in a low husky voice. It caused my body go in pins and needles, suddenly very aware that we are both still naked, pressed up against one another.

He continued to slowly kiss each of my fingertips before finally placing my hand back where it was, running his hand up my arm. "Thank you for last night." I said, surprising both of us. "I got a great night sleep."

"I should say so." He teased, pulling away from me causing me to crack my eyes open. "I worked you over pretty good."

I laughed at his teasing, moving my hand and running it up his chest and neck. "Yes you did."

"But that isn't the best I can do." He whispered making my eyes go wide. "I went easy on you." He continued, rolling me onto my back and hovering over me. His lips ghosted over my own, speaking again. "Just you wait until I have you screaming."

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