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alrighty i know i've pretty much been dead since november and i'd like to repent by blessing you beautiful ppl with a valentine's day special🕺❤️

I had a mission. And not just any mission.

Today was February fourteenth, or in other words, Valentine's Day. Being a murderous band of thieves, the Troupe never really fancied the romantic holiday. And as social and crafty as we were, we rarely got out much.

But what was this said mission, you ask? Well,

I was going to kiss my boss.

I confessed to Chrollo late on New Years' Eve-- which I knew wasn't too long ago. For most couples, dating a month and a half wasn't long enough for even holding hands. But I just couldn't help myself! I always found myself being somewhat affectionate, and I didn't wait two years to tell someone how I felt just to have to wait another year to hear the first "I love you."

I was obviously impatient, and I was at terms with that. I was fine with taking things slow, and I understood how Chrollo's mind worked when it came to women. However, I still wanted to show him how I felt, and I wanted him to decide how he felt about me.

With a nervous conscious, I eyed myself in the bathroom mirror as I flicked a layer of mascara over my lashes. He recommended that we dine out tonight, so saying that I wasn't excited would be a massive understatement.

Once I was finished in the bathroom, I approached the array of dresses spread over the bed. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't much of a dress person. In fact, almost all of these belonged to Machi and Pakunoda.

I disliked each of them mainly because Paku's style was very proper, whereas Machi's outfits were more suited for going clubbing. My intentions weren't exactly aiming towards attending some extravagant ball nor getting drunk and laid, so I immediately ditched the dresses and headed for the closet.

The ending result came to be a silk blouse, ankle pants, and a pair of heels. I'd never actually done well in heels, but I figured they needed to be taken out for a spin instead of wasting away on my closet floor.

I spared myself one last glance in the mirror while straightening my earrings (if you even wear earrings), spraying a bit of perfume, and lightly glossing my lips. With a content huff, I snatched my jacket and made it out the door.

Unsurprisingly, Chrollo was already waiting by the car. Once I drew closer, I noticed he was smoking a cigarette, which wasn't something he did often. "I hope I didn't make you wait long," I said guiltily. The man snapped away from his thoughts and casted the unfinished bud aside.

"Not at all," he hastily replied. "You look stunning, Y/n." My heart was doing backflips at his compliment. "Um, thank you. You look really great, too." We had only exchanged a few words so far, but I was already on the verge of fainting!

When I was going to reach for the door, he quickly stopped me. "Oh, I apologize. Let me get that for you." 'What a gentleman!!' I remembered thinking as I climbed in.

The drive was mainly silent. Usually, I'd be stressing over the awkwardness of the ride, but instead I was too busy stressing over the rest of the night. I wondered if he was feeling as nervous as I was? Haha, what a funny question to ask. I was sure he was probably thinking of the next heist the Troupe would pull, or what kind dish he was craving.

"Is there something on my face?" he asked abruptly. Once I realized that I was staring, it was too late. My face beamed a bright shade of red as I jerked my sights back to my lap. "No, no! Just wondering what you're thinking, is all," I laughed anxiously. Perhaps that wasn't the right choice of words.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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