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oop another angst. i've been feeling down lately, so i think i'm going to use this as a venting system since i can't talk to anyone :'D

{Chrollo's P.O.V.}

What was the meaning of life?

I remember thinking that as I was splayed out over my bed, watching my ceiling fan spin at a moderate pace.

Everyday was the same. It didn't matter where I was, what I was doing, or who I was with. It was all so pointless to me. I used thievery as an attempt to make my life a bit more tasteful, but it quickly grew bland.

I no longer favored being the head of the Spider. It gave me no more worth. Whether I was rich or poor, it was all the same. I wanted to know my significance in this crazy existence we called life. Why was I here? Sadly, no one had these answers.

It felt as if I required something to give me purpose, but what? It wasn't fame nor fortune. Perhaps a person? But who? Again, my questions were only hitting brick walls. Depression was such an odd thing. It was as if I was the only human in the world who actually felt anything, yet at the same time I felt so agonizingly numb.

Laying in bed with only my disturbed thoughts to keep me company wasn't going to help. I sat up and threw on a wrinkled shirt, I slipped into my shoes, and exited my bedroom in a slight daze.

After our performance in Yorknew, we left the big, bustling city and were holding our base at a countryside manor. The building was rather massive. Even I was still getting used to the confusing layout.

As I traveled down the windy halls, I found myself standing in front of the library. This was bound to hold the answers I so desperately needed. I pushed open the antique doors and invited myself in. Moonlight pooled in through the large windows. I was currently flipping through a few books on Human Psychology when I heard the most angelic voice ring through my ears.

My eyes darted to the source, only to find Y/n sitting beside one of the windows, singing the most beautiful melody. I was completely and utterly entranced by her. The way her silhouette contrasted against the light and dust triggered something within my chest. It was a sharp pang, but of what?

Her red cheeks were stained with fresh tears as the moonlight reflected off of them. Why was she crying? My heart was caught in my throat at the sight. My palms grew clammy and my neck itched. Seeing her like this unsettled me to the core, but I also felt a calm tranquility about her. I instantly became intrigued, and wanted to know more.

She must've just realized I was there, because she stopped singing. The mysterious woman then turned to me with wide, glassy eyes. "Hi, Chrollo." She sounded in pain. I was speechless to say the least. "Hi, Y/n," was all that I could muster out.

It was as if time itself froze between the two of us. It was like I was facing all of my sins at once. Y/n broke me out of my trance as she patted the spot next to her, beckoning me to sit. I did just that. "Did you also come here for clarity?" she asked. I nodded openly.

"I have questions I need answered, but I'm not sure where to find them. Soon enough I ended up here," I sighed, scratching the bridge of my nose. "Same here. The library gives me comfort when I need it the most," she hummed. What confused me the most was the way she smiled at me just then. There was no joy in it, just a smile of crippling despair.

This woman was hurting deep down inside, just like me. "And what questions do you have, Y/n?" She had to take a moment to answer. "I guess... I'm too tired to ask questions. I just simply adapt to how things are, and I stopped wondering about the little things years ago. I become claustrophobic when I'm trapped in my own thoughts. It's like I just keep ending up in circles," she muttered truthfully.

She was absolutely right. It was all so suffocating, I could hardly stand it. "Why were you crying just then?" I couldn't help but ask. "I don't really know. I woke up a little while ago and I felt like I needed to be here. When I sing, it releases pent up stress. For some reason, I just couldn't stop tearing up. It was the strangest thing."

I suddenly felt her cold hand clasp over my own. "Chrollo, I don't know why, but it's so easy talking to you like this," Y/n confessed with her cheeks flushing vividly. My heart was on the verge of beating out of my stomach. Why did she give me such feelings? There was nothing too special about her, but every little thing she said or did lured me in.

Her complexion was also unnaturally attractive. She reminded me of a porcelain doll, so fragile and pure. I couldn't help but want to hide her from this miserable world.

"Y/n, I... I think I was born to meet you," I breathed. The emptiness of her tired eyes was replaced with indescribable emotion. "Will you let me stay by your side, Chrollo? Even if it's only for a little while?" she asked, once again on the brink of tears. My fingers brushed her warm cheek as a promise. I gazed into her eyes with this new-found emotion of mine.

This was the first time anyone had ever given me such an overwhelming feeling.

I twined her bangs behind her ear as I slowly locked my lips against hers. They were so tempting and soft. To think this was another person I was touching. She was like a goddess, and she deserved everything the divines could offer.

I had to make sure this woman would never leave me, for she was the one who gave my life its meaning.

oh boy my phone is on 6% i should probably charge it, but i'll wait till it's at 1%

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