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request by: @asiah5084

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"''Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!''''

Why was I doing this? Why was I gulping down yet another pint of booze in front of these drunk idiots? It felt like only a few short minutes ago when Uvo begged Shalnark and I to share a quick drink with him. And now, the eight of us were completely buzzed with alcohol.

Kalluto, of course, was too young to drink. Not that it truly mattered in the Phantom Troupe, but he simply kept to his own morals.

I hissed as my throat burned in discomfort, and I crushed the aluminum can. "Y/n wins," Shizuku cheered with jolly.

With my hand over my mouth, I could feel some nausea bubbling up. "This chick doesn't even drink and she still beats me every time," Uvo scoffed while adding his empty beverage to the pile. "We should play Truth or Dare next," Shalnark proposed. This caused us all to gawk at the tipsy blonde. Even Chrollo looked flabbergasted. "What a childish game. We're thieves, not a few kids at a slumber party," he sighed.

"Come on, Boss! You need some loosing up."




"I have coupons for that bookstore you really like."


We all gathered into a circle and Machi volunteered to spin the bottle. It soon landed on Nobunaga. "Hmm... Hisoka, Truth or Dare?" The redheaded clown tapped his slender chin. "I suppose I'll go with Truth," Hisoka hummed with his signature playful smirk.

"What's up with you and those two kids?" This brought up everyone's attention. "Oh~ where do I begin?"

"No! No, nope, no," I hollered while slapping my hands over my poor, violated ears. Machi quickly spun the bottle again and it landed on Uvogin. "Oh, this is gonna be fun!" We waited in anticipation as Uvo scanned over our heads. "Boss, Truth or Dare?" Chrollo's brow twitched at the sudden confrontation.

He was ready to pick Truth, but sensing the death glares being aimed at him, he chose Dare. "Ahah, sweet! I dare you to kiss Y/n." Everyone in the room became white as paper. "Wh-a-at?!! You can't just dare the freaking Boss to kiss his subordinate! Have you lost your mind?" screeched Nobunaga.

The remainder of the Troupe was ready to strangle the poor idiot. Meanwhile, I glanced at Chrollo with reddened cheeks. His eyes bore into mine, but I couldn't catch what his motives were. The ravenette stood up, and went outside without a word.

My heart sank and a sharp pang settle in my chest. Was it something I did? Once the others were able to settle down, Phinks looked around in bewilderment. "Hey, where did the Boss go?" he asked. I raised my head with the best smile I could muster. "I think he said he wasn't feeling well, so he left."

The others went silent at my words. Machi, Shizuku, and Paku must've sensed the quiver in my voice, for they bolted to my side. They were the only ones who really knew how I felt for the sociopath. This whole situation made me feel like a heartbroken middle school girl.

This was bullshit! I was one of the top elite spiders of the Phantom Troupe! I didn't have time to be upset over a petty issue such as this! "Look, I'm fine. It was probably my fault for putting him in an uncomfortable situation," I admitted. "Of course not, Y/n. You did nothing wrong," Pakunoda soothed while stroking my back. "That's right. It's his fault for missing such an opportunity," huffed Machi.

Somehow, Phinks entered the conversation. "I say you go out there and kick him in the balls! Show him who's really in charge!" Everyone else seemed to approve of what he said, for they all began to shout their encouragement at me. Before I had time to comprehend it, I felt hands on my back and I was being shoved out the door.

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