+maid café+

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"Jesus, why is rent here so expensive?! How am I supposed to pay this off? And I don't even have a job yet..." My head collapsed on the kitchen table with an immense amount of dread weighing on my shoulders. "This apartment isn't even that good," I wailed to myself. It wasn't like I could get anyone else to solve my problems. Asking my parents to loan me some money was like begging for a death sentence. I, their own daughter, was practically dead to them.

Setting that small issue aside, I had to find a job. After being fired from my last one, I was on the brink of becoming buried in debt. Living on my own was a complete disaster.

With the day already slipping by, I grabbed my purse and rushed out the door. My landlady was a very crabby old woman. Just about every time I went out, she'd give me an earful. It was usually about paying the rent on time, questioning my love life, sometimes remarking that I needed to fix my diet. Either way, she pissed me off, so I developed a plan of avoiding her whenever I could.

"Merissa, have you still not found a job yet? I'm telling you, no man wants a cheap girl who can't cook and isn't even employed--"

"Yes, I'm well aware of that. And for the last time, my name isn't Merissa," I shouted as I darted past the old woman.

Moments later, I was aimlessly strolling down the street, observing some of the many establishments. I halted at the window of what appeared to be a café. I scanned over the help wanted flyer. My optimism was crushed once I gazed into the window of the restaurant. It was a Maid Café.

I looked at the sign, which read 'Blossom Café'. The name was a bit corny for me, but it couldn't hurt to be checked out? After a moment of consideration, I entered the rather small building. Before I could even shut the glass door behind me, I was greeted by three waitresses-or maids? Whatever they were called here.

"'Welcome home, Mistress~,"' they each greeted simultaneously. Not sure how to react, I merely bowed and mentioned the ad outside. Soon enough, I was being introduced to the manager. She seemed nice, but very straightforward.

The interview felt rushed. It was hard to tell if she even remembered my name. Luckily, I scored and was given the job. My first day was at the end of the week. As I exited the café, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe life wasn't so cruel. And perhaps this was my chance to finally turn things around; get my debt all payed off, get a better apartment, make things go my way for once.

Yeah long story short, it sucked.

Nearly a month had went by since I began working at the cafe. Three, slow, godawful weeks. The pay wasn't horrible, but the work was straight garbage. Each and everyday, I'd have to greet perverted middle-aged men at the door, wearing the cafe's slutty uniform.

I requested a longer skirt, but unfortunately they ran out stock. So now I was stuck feeling more violated than ever. At times when I felt like some guy was going to grab my ass, I'd have to back away until I felt safe from his reach.
My looks are bit average and so is my body, but I had still been harassed quite a few times. Just some of the perks of being a woman, I guess.

I internally cringed when the bell on the door jingled, signaling that another customer had entered the café. "Welcome home, Master," I greeted with my usual fake frilly voice as I bowed. "Good evening, miss. But you don't need to call me such a name. I understand that this work must make you uncomfortable," he said. Was he some sort of feminist or something? "Sir..?"

My gaze drifted upward to get a look at the strange man's face. Jesus Chri- he was practically glowing with beauty! "I think I'd like that booth over there, next to the window." His voice was like honey, and seemed nice. Actually, this was the first polite customer I had come across so far. "Yes, of course. Please follow me."

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