+awaited reunion+

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wow my first request for this book

i promise i wont let you down @injjured :D

"Uh, so why are we here again?" questioned
Nobunaga, utterly confused. "Simply or curiosity," Chrollo admitted freely. The rest of the Troupe deadpanned around him.

"Are you serious? We just showed up on the Reaper's turf just for curiosity?"

"Well... yes. I heard they're quite strong, and I'm positive if we're able to convince him, their leader will be a very powerful ally. So, I thought we'd pay them a peaceful, little visit." Then, the boss turned to his fellow comrades with hostility in his gaze. "And if any of you cause a fuss, well, I don't think I have to finish," he threatened. They all tensed up, but quickly nodded.

Chrollo casually approached the thirty-story tall building and rang the doorbell almost as if it was a normal house. A security camera, which was placed above the iron door, dipped its head to get a better  view of the Troupe. Chrollo merely stared into the lens with a pleased expression.

A speaker clicked, meaning someone was on the other side ready to speak. "Well, if it isn't the infamous Phantom Troupe? What can we do you for?" It sounded like a young girl. Despite the confused glances, Chrollo replied, "Hello. We'd like to pay a visit to your leader. Is he around?"

There was a long pause from the girl. ".......Uh.... what?"

"Your boss! Where is he?" shouted Uvo from the back. Another moment of uncomfortable silence filled the air. Then, someone new, a boy, came through. "You may see yourselves in." Suddenly, the front door slid open.

The main lobby was decorated with lots of gold and red interior. Chrollo's mind was overwhelmed with, 'Nice. Very classy. Is that a bookshelf? I wonder what books they have here. I guess it wouldn't hurt if i just take a quick peek...' The bookworm couldn't help but let his body go in autopilot and immediately went rummaging through the various covers and pages.

While he was browsing, a particular book spine caught his eye. Unlike the rest, this one was very dated and looked as if it was ready to fall apart. Something about it was so agonizingly nostalgic. Chrollo made an attempt to read its title, but only a few scratched letters remained. An H was the first. Below it were the letters M, O, I, N, G. He hummed in curiosity as his thumb traced over the missing ones.

"This book is so oddly familiar, but from what?" Then he remembered that there had to be a title page inside. But when he went to take a look, a teenage boy entered the lobby. "I hear you all wish to visit the leader?" he asked. His voice was familiar, probably the one who took over the speaker from earlier.

Chrollo took charge of the situation by introducing himself. "My name is Chrollo, the Phantom Troupe's boss—" Before he could finish, another child barged in the room, latching onto the adolescent's pant leg. "Brother, I wanna play now," she whined. "Jesus, how many kids does this place have?" Phinks remarked. Picking her up and placing her in his arms, the boy shook his head at the girl and beckoned the troupe to follow him.

"Right in here please." In front of them stood a red, large set of doors. The boy set down his younger sibling and pushed them open. Inside revealed a spacious room, filled with various pieces of furniture. Lounged across a long, white sofa was a female figure. And resting across her face was an opened book.

"Sis, there are some people here to see you," he called out. "People?" scoffed Feitan. "And is their boss seriously a damn chick?" Uvo snorted. The said woman sat up from what seemed to be her slumber and stretched her arms out. As her gaze landed on Chrollo, she quirked her brows.

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