+paper cut+

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in times like these, i can't help but relate to pouf bc in the end i'm a simp just like him😔

"Thank you for visiting the Reader's Nook. Have a nice evening!"

God, finally. After waving off the last customer, I had the Nook to myself at last. It may not look it, but being a librarian was difficult work. Well, perhaps I was giving myself too much credit. This wasn't necessary a library per se. It was actually just your run-of-the-mill bookstore; just a tiny shop crammed between some big shot company buildings.

Luckily, I had quite a few customers stop by everyday. Don't get me wrong. This store was very low with its popularity rating, but each greeting I had with these people was worthwhile.

I stood from my chair and flipped the sign on the door, indicating that the shop was closed. "Maybe I'll make some decaf when I finish up...," I spoke to myself as I was tidying up any extra messes around my desk. Suddenly, I heard the bell jingle, meaning that someone had entered the store.

"I'm sorry, but we're closed," I said, not bothering to look up. "Oh, I guess I'll stop by later." Immediately upon recognizing the voice, I whipped up in a flash. "Chrollo," I shouted. The ravenette smiled fondly at me.
It's been a month since I saw him last, before he left for his business trip. We weren't in any sort of relationship, (sadly). He was simply a good friend who dropped by the shop every now and then.

I pulled out a chair and invited him to take a seat. Chrollo pulled off his scarf and hung it over the chair while removing his coat. "It's chilly out there, huh? I can go make some tea, real quick," I offered. "That sounds lovely. Do you have Earl Grey by any chance?" he asked before sitting down.

I said that I'd check and I made my way upstairs to my flat. I set the kettle over the stove eye and decided to prep the tea while the water was heating up. After nearly five minutes of waiting, the kettle began to shriek.

I headed back downstairs with the two mugs of tea in hand. "You don't like any sugar in yours, right?" I questioned as I set the hot beverage in his hands. "Yes, that's usually how I prefer it. Thank you very much. Say, Y/n. Would it be alright if I take a look around?"

"Not at all! Take as long as you need. Some new books recently shipped in. They're over there, in the back," I noted, pointing my finger towards the unopened boxes. Chrollo hummed and made his way over to that area.

A few minutes passed by, and I started to grow worried about the temperature of his tea. As if he read my mind, Chrollo returned with two books of choice. "I think I'll purchase these." He placed the books on my desk along with the amount of money required. I was in the process of bagging his items, when Chrollo asked if he could read a few chapters before he left.

"Of course! You could stay for the entire night if you want." I couldn't stop the absurd words leaving my mouth. Chrollo's eyes widened at my peculiar suggestion. "Uh, I-I didn't mean it that way! I just meant..." The tall male was already standing in front of me with his large hand over my shoulder in reassurance.

"I know what you meant. And thank you." My head was only a foot away from his broad chest. Jesus, this guy was ripped. I didn't even have to see him shirtless to find that out. Not...! That I wanted to see Chrollo shirtless! I mean in all honesty I did, but I couldn't let my alter fangirl ego get the better of myself.

"I-I'll be right back," I yelled before zooming away. If I stayed any longer, my face would look like a tomato. Once I was out of sight, I turned to the wall behind me and I knocked my head against it. Repeatedly. "Stupid, stupid, stupid, Y/n! Why can't you just act natural for once? All it takes is one slip up and I screw up the whole conversation," I cried to myself.

Chrollo x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now