+movie night+

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after finishing the York New City arc on HxH, i realized that i am just as big of a simp for chrollo
as i am for overhaul :')

so without further ado, here is the first chapter to this one shot series

"Uvo, for the last time we're not watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. You always get to pick, it's not fair," complained Shalnark. The large, masculine male scoffed in defiance and shot back, "I only pick cause' the rest of you got shit taste!" I jumped up from the sofa, fuming. "That's not true! You just hog the remote the whole time," I retorted. Luckily, I had the rest of the troupe at my back.

"Y/n's right. As soon as we all get situated, you already have the remote in your hand," claimed Nobunaga. Everyone else hummed in agreement. Uvogin was completely outmatched by the group. The maniac clicked his tongue and tossed back the device with extreme reluctance. "Fine. Have at it. But I swear to God Y/n, if you choose any Disney crap, I'll beat your ass!" My brow twitched with irritation, but I chose to ignore his silly remarks.

"Actually, if anyone has the right to choose the movie, it should be Chrollo." Everyone in the room, besides Uvo, approved of my proposition. "Yeah, Boss. What would you like to watch?" asked Machi. The leader shrugged in response. "I'd much rather read. Y/n, why don't you pick? It would only be fair."

Although it was something as simple as a movie, I felt overwhelmingly flattered. "Um... ok, sure. But you guys have to pick the genre."



"I'll go with horror, too."


"I dunno, I guess horror."




We all silenced the clown before he could finish his request. I sighed, "All in favor of horror, say 'aye'."


"Then it's decided. We're watching Insidious 5." After finding and renting the movie on Amazon, I immediately hit 'play' and flopped back on the L-shaped sofa. Little did I know, Chrollo was shifting closer to me. Pakunoda flipped off the lights and also got comfortable.

Most of the troupe were all bundled on the floor together. The only people remaining on the couch were Chrollo and I. I didn't understand why we went to the trouble of stealing a whole sofa, just for everyone to sit on the floor! What I also didn't get was the fact that there was an abundance of room on said couch, and Chrollo was seated mere inches from me. I wasn't complaining, though.

As the night slowly strolled by, I began to notice more of Chrollo's subtle movements. Like the way his thumb would twitch, for instance. Or how he would suddenly shift as if he was uncomfortable. I quietly nudged his shoulder to gain his attention without disturbing the others. "Are you okay? The movie isn't scaring you, is it?" I whisper-teased. Chrollo was definitely amused by my question.

"No, the movie isn't what is scaring me," he murmured back. Let me tell you, his voice sounded so husky and attractive someone murder me. "Um, then what is?" Chrollo turned his sights back on the television screen. "I suppose you'll find out soon enough." What was that supposed to mean? Was something actually wrong where only he knew about it, or was he just being weird?

Nonetheless, I gradually grew more in depth with the film. He was probably just joking around, trying to get in my head like it was some sort of game. I didn't like how easily he could read people, yet at the same time it was always so difficult doing the same with him. I guess that was just how Specialists worked. Their minds were like mazes, unsolvable puzzles. And complete sociopaths too! Enough about him. It was becoming hard to focus on the plot of the movie.

Without warning, just like it should, a jumpscare flashed upon the screen, startling me to the core of my being. Usually, it was always easy to determine when a jumpscare would appear, so I was always prepared. But I was so deep in thought about the slick-haired idiot that I didn't see it coming!

Something smooth then contacted my hand. My gaze instinctively dropped down to see what was touching me. Much to my surprise, the spider leader was intertwining his hand with my own. My heart caught in my throat at the sight. I hesitated as I attempted to make eye contact with the man, only to be left staring blankly at his side profile.

I felt him give my hand a quick squeeze. Not knowing how else to react, I slowly faced the TV once more, squeezing back just as tight. I wasn't sure at all what this meant. He didn't show the slightest bit of anxiety, well, not in his face. His palms were definitely a tad on the clammy side. And his foot gently thumped up and down erratically. Was this a sign of his body telling me that he felt nervous?

You know what? Screw this. I was tired of trying to analyze this guy while trying to pay attention to the movie I had been wanting to watch since August. I swept all of my jumbled thoughts to the side and tried tuning out my internal screaming. Right when I felt more on track with the plot, I felt a certain arm snake around my shoulders. Are you kidding me right now.

He knew I was trying to ignore his gesture, so he flat out just pulled a move on me! Part of me wanted nothing more than to whack him upside the head, but he was too fabulous for me to ruin that gorgeous face of his. Privileged bastard.

I felt so secure under his strong, yet gentle hold. I was so anxious to figure out what he was thinking. If he was just doing this to get under my skin, I was sure my heart would be ripped in half. Perhaps he was just expressing his feelings towards me and wanted me to take this as a confession... HAH. I wouldn't let him get me that easily. If I wanted to win, I'd have to fluster him up as well.

Nearly as soon as the ending credits began rolling, I latched onto his shirt collar and pulled his neck to my height. I allowed my lips to take charge and instantly found their way to his own. Chrollo's dark orbs widened in surprise at my bold action. He took ahold oh my arms but before he could go further, I stood up, stretched, and said, "Good movie. I'd lobe to watch another one with you guys, but I think I'm gonna head to bed."

My comrades bidded me goodnight as I took my leave. "Hey, Boss. Are you okay? You look a little flushed," addressed Nobunaga. "What? No... I'm alright."

I stopped just short of the door to get a better listen. "I think I know what's going on. After cutting us all a deal to sit on this dirty floor while you got to snuggle up with Y/n made you all hormonal~," taunted Hisoka. He what?
"That--that isn't it at all," Chrollo counteracted. "Hahahaha! And he's even stuttering! Look at this fool, it's like he's a teenager all over again!" I stifled my laughter to the best of my ability as the other troupe members started teasing the poor man.

Well I guess I won.

this basically sucks but not a bad start :)

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