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happy halloween beauties! 👻 🎃

also last week was my first time back at school and god it was a doozy

"You know this won't really work, right? You'll just be wasting your time," Phinks scoffed, standing over me like a strict parent. "Probably. But what's the harm in trying? I'll have you know, I am a very dedicated woman."

"Well, obviously. You're laying on the floor like an idiot," he seethed. "I prefer 'hiding,' not 'laying'. And can you not talk so loud? You're giving away my position," I corrected with my index finger hovering over my lips. I could practically feel the eye roll he shot me as he walked away in a stubborn silence.

Halloween was my absolute favorite holiday. In fact, I loved it so much that I'd make it my sworn duty to pull pranks on the Troupe every year. It was always someone new with each year, and now it was Chrollo's turn. I was very reluctant to do this at first. It wasn't quite his scary personality that frightened me, it was the fact I was crushing so hard for him. From the day we first met, I knew I had to somehow make him my husband. But as much as I loved Chrollo, today he was just another victim.

[cue evil laughter]

My first attempt was to plant some fake cockroaches I found at Walmart in a bowl of popcorn I made him. I peeked into the living area. There, the ravenette sat comfortably, engrossed in one of his many books. "Hey, Chrollo, I made popcorn. Want some?" I asked with my voice doused with innocence. He glanced up from his book. I could feel his suspicion rousing, so I quickly set the bowl on the coffee table and grabbed a piece. "If you didn't eat some now, it'll be all gone."

Chrollo eyed the snack in skepticism. "Thank you very much, Y/n, but I'm afraid I'm not too hungry. Why don't you eat it for me?" Dammit! Perhaps if his voice wasn't so heavenly, I wouldn't be calling it quits so fast. But alas, I returned to the kitchen with dread hanging over my shoulders.

I haphazardly left the popcorn on the counter and ran back to my room to do some more planning. As I was heading down the windy halls, I saw that Uvo went into the kitchen in my absence. I decided to stick around a moment longer. "Ooh, popcorn," the big gorilla cheered. I could hear him digging inside the bowl messily. "AH!!!!!" Upon hearing his girly screech, I made another run for it. At least I managed to scare someone.

A couple of hours went by, and I was ready to make my second attempt at spooking Chrollo. I was currently hunched over the bathroom sink with "blood" dripping from my fingers and down the drain. I made it appear that I had wounded my hand, and that I was a bloody mess. I noticed that I still had some fake blood and Fx makeup lying around from the pervious year, so I chose to make the most of it.

I waited patiently for Chrollo to eventually wander by, which he did. I pretended to sound distressed in front of him as I called out, "Hey—hey Chrollo, can you go get Machi for me?" The man stopped dead in his tracks. For a second, I could see that he was clearly concerned.

Chrollo swiftly took ahold of my hand and examined the damage. That glimpse of horror seemed to have vanished as quickly as it came. "I have to admit, you nearly fooled me, there," he sighed. I gulped. "What are you talking about?? I'm really bleeding, here," I exclaimed. Still unconvinced, Chrollo slowly approached me, causing me to back away. Soon enough, I was cornered against the cold wall.

With my hand still gently in his hold, he carefully brought my fake injury up to his nose. "Strange. It doesn't smell like blood. Looks like you'll have to try harder in order to trick me, Y/n." There was no doubt that he was deeply enjoying this. I, on the other hand, was so flustered that I couldn't even come up with a proper response.

The distance between us only grew shorter. Was this it? Was he really going to kiss me? There was no way my prayers would be answered so easily! I felt Chrollo's fingers trace over the outline of my ear, causing my eyes to wire shut. He was going to kiss me!!!!

"There is no need to be afraid," he whispered. Yeah, right. He didn't know how many nights I dreamt of this very moment; how many nights I cried myself to sleep because I never even knew being able to kiss him would be possible! I tried to ready myself as much as I could. I couldn't screw this up!

Feeling Chrollo's hot breath fan against my lips nearly gave me an aneurism. I was about to scream at him and tell him to kiss me already, when I finally felt those plump lips of his. Though, they weren't against my own. Instead, he gave me a kiss on my forehead. My eyes popped open in surprise.

I was able to see Chrollo's expression, and it only reddened my cheeks further. He was smiling, no he was giggling. "You looked so cute, I couldn't help but tease you a bit," he chuckled. To be honest, I didn't even care. I didn't care that he was taunting me, nor did I care that he didn't really kiss me.

Chrollo Lucilfer, just kissed my forehead and called me cute. Was I experiencing enlightenment just now? It felt as if I could die right then and there and feel perfectly content with it. My fingers ran over my forehead timidly. "Thank you..." I wasn't sure why I said those words, but somehow it just felt right.

The taller man eyed me in surprise, but blessed me with a calm smile. "I wouldn't be thanking me, yet." I was going to question him, but my thoughts were cut short when he kissed me, for real this time. This had to be the best night of my entire life, and it was over some silly, little pranks. Chrollo's large hands lingered against my waist while mine clenched his biceps. My heart was going to explode out of my throat!

"Yo. Get a room, already." I know I just said my heart was going to burst, but instead it dropped all the way back down to my stomach in seconds. We slowly turned to the source of the voice, only to see Feitan, Phinks, and Nobunaga at the doorway. And with their phone cameras out.

I guess that few minutes of enlightenment was over.

i actually wrote this a few days ago but for some reason wattpad chose not to save my progress so i had to rewrite it all :')

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