Season 2 episode 5 (good ending)

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Mosashi' Pov

Things have settle down a little as I had saved Gina from being turned into a Nova but I was still pissed off at Ms. Ohara after what she did to Gina as I was about to rip her head clean off  but Amelia had stopped me that day. There I was talking with the others on what was our next plan.

"I knew the Mark four was no good how can they even go through with that?" Rana asked.

"That's because it was made under the table they didn't think that anyone would find out about it." Elizabeth replied.

"Any word on Gina?" I asked.

"She's recovering in her room it be awhile before she can up and about." Rana replied

"At least she is out of harms way for now." I said before there was knock on the door and opened it to see Amelia and Charles standing in the door way.

"Yes what can I do for you ladies?" I asked

"Can we speak to you in private Mosashi?" Amelia asked as I nodded my head and walked with the two girls.

3rd person pov

Satallizer and Elizabeth were walking down the corridor as they were having a heat discussion about the Mark four as Elizabeth said to Satallizer that she should not get involved in the matter before she used her Volt weapon on Satallizer disabling her arms and legs making unable to move as she walked off back to her room were she sat down in front of her computer and started to work on get all the detail on the Chevalier's shady activities and save the E-Pandora's as her limiter asked if what she was doing was the right thing as Elizabeth replied saying she had to do something. Meanwhile in another part of the dorm Mosashi was still walking with the girls until they got to the room where Gina was resting as Amelia knocked on her door before she opened it as Gina was laying on the bed as she looked at me and slowly sat up grunting in pain a little.

"Easy easy your still haven't regain your strength yet." Mosashi  said as he walked over and sat down on her bed and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Mosashi I want to thank you for saving me  I thought I was gonna turn into a monster and kill you." Gina said

"You almost did," Mosashi said in a teasing tone.

"Say Mosashi I was wondering is it possible to train----." But before Amelia can finish her sentence there was a knock o the door before the door was opened as Rana rushed into the room.

"I'm sorry but bust in by Satallizer had been hurt." Lana said as Mosashi stood up and asked what happened as Lana she didn't know as he excused himself as he and Rana left the room and rushed to see Satallizer. Once in the med wing her wrist and ankles were wrapped in bandages as Mosashi asked what happened as Satallizer said nothing as she was in a wheelchair. One of the nurses said that she will have to go back to  West Genetics for treatment. This od course didn't set right with Mosashi but he did what he had to do as he said he will take her back to West Genetics and left with her to catch the next plane.

*timeskip to airport*

Satallizer was still in the wheelchair as Mosashi brought her some food from Burger Queen and gave it to her as he asked again how she got those wounds but still she did not answer but considering the E- Pandora lab doesn't specialize in her wounds that was certain the case. After Satallizer finished her meal she asked Mosashi to take her to the terminal that was heading towards Bali.

"Why do you want to go there?" Mosashi asked as she just looked at him before he nodded his head.

Mosashi's pov

As we boarded the plan I helped Satallizer to her seat as I sat next to her with my arms folded and eyes closed thinking trying to figure out what was going on with Satallizer she was acting differently well then again after what happened to Gina back at the labs who can really blame her right? After a long flight we landed in Bali and got off the plan as we headed outside the airport as the rays of the sun hit my skin as the gently breeze blew across our body as I look at Satallizer as she looked at me with a blush before I said I will get us something to eat. While I getting the food I sensed something a aura I sensed before as I closed my eyes and focused on the aura.

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