Season 2 chapter 1

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Mosashi Pov 

I was on board a transport  with Satellizer and Rana  en route to a Chevalier base in Alaska as it was  silent trip as I had Satellizer next to me to keep her warm even through pandora volt texutre does have cold protection and heat protection capabilities but to be honest I think she just like how my tails feel considering their always so soft like clouds. Me on the other hand I like the cold it didn't bothered me one bit while Rana was complaining about the cold as I just shock my head when I heard beebing coming form the cockpit as I asked the pilots what's going on as one of them said their picking up a distress call and was changing course to the distress call sight.

"Distress signal I wonder what's that all about." I said as we got closer to the distress signal which was right below us. Which the pilots can't zero because they had zero visibility as I look out the window I see a Nova who was just standing their not even seeing us.

"We have confirmation of S-type Nova." One of the pilots said.

"What is a Nova doing all the way out here? This is Mosashi did you pick up its dimension vibration when it appeared?" I asked

"Negative. This blizzard is hell out systems aren't working properly." The pilot replied as another voice came over the radio

"Don't worry I got this under control." The voice said.

"Is someone else on this line?" I asked 

"About three kilometers from you location Chevalier storage base your priority  is to stop the type S and defend the base at all cost." The women said as she also added that reinforcements where on their way and even the base is destroyed it would cause massive environmental disaster.

"Understood consider it done." I replied as the pilot said that the wind was to choppy to land so we had to jump out which was fine by me. Once the hatch was open all three of us jumped out of the hold of the transport and landed on the ground below as the Nova continue to advance

"Well then lets get started." I said as I heard the sound of plans over  head as a C-130 deployed flares over the nova as two  A-10 swooped in and dropped their payload on the nova.

" I said as I heard the sound of plans over  head as a C-130 deployed flares over the nova as two  A-10 swooped in and dropped their payload on the nova

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"What a success." Rana said as the nova reappeared as the AC-130 circled around and opened up on the nova with it's 50- calibur machine guns peppering the nova.

" Rana said as the nova reappeared as the AC-130 circled around and opened up on the nova with it's 50- calibur machine guns peppering the nova

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