Chapter 11

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*in epic announcer voice* a/n: In the last chapter Of the Frozen Fox The prom was in full swing. Everyone was having a good time pandora bonding with other pandora and limiters. After Mosashi performance everyone started to dance until Mosashi's brother showed up.

3rd person pov

"Hello Brother so good to see you after all these years." Sahoshi said with a wide grin on his face.

"Mosashi who is that?" Rana asked.

"His name is Sahoshi my brother." Mosashi replied with a disgusted look on his face for his brother.

"Aw don't give me that look little brother I know you miss me as much as I missed you." Sahoshi said.

"Hey who do you think you are barging in here and ruin out fun?" Ganessa  walking over.

"Brother do keep your little cheerleader in line before something bad happens to her." Sahoshi said.

"What the hell did you just say?" Ganessa asked getting angry.

"Ganessa stand down you don't know want to your getting into." Mosashi said as Sahoshi just laughed.

"Yes do listen to my brother and know when to quit your nothing more but a warm-up... no your more of an appetizer... or something a lot small then a appetizer." Sahoshi said as Ganessa was pissed as she summoned her volt weapon and charged at Sahoshi .

"Weak." Sahoshi said as he dodged Ganessa attacks and summoned his weapon White fang and stabbed Ganessa through the stomach as she gaged up blood.

"How does that feel? Sting a bit?" Sahoshi said as he pulled his sword from Ganessa stomach and kicked her so hard she went flying towards the stage and collided with it as pieces of it collapsed on top of her. (a/n: Think of it like Goku black did to vegeta in Dragonball super)

"Ganessa!" Mosashi said.

"Thanks to that little appetizer my power has grown." Sahoshi said as he licked the blood from his sword and looked at his brother.

"Now that we got that out of the way why don't we get to the main course brother just you and me." Sahoshi said as Mosashi glared at his brother as he summoned his weapon and pointed it at Sahoshi.

"Girls take care of Ganessa I need to have a little chat with my brother." Masashi said as the girls nodded and headed towards the destroyed stage to help Ganessa.

"Let's go." Mosashi said as he activated his beast berserker mode.

"Going all out at the start huh? Well then show me what you got Mosashi." Sahoshi said as he to activated his beast berserker as the both of them rushed towards each other in lighting speed almost like a blur.

(a/n: Play this during the fight)

As the two brothers clashed their blades rang throughout the area so loud that it shattered serveral windows and lights. Mosashi went for a over head strike but was blocked by Sahoshi's blade as countered with a strong kick to Mosashi's side sending him skidding across the ground.

"Is that all you got brother I must say I'm disappointed in you and you call yourself the guardian fox. It makes me sick to think that people and even those filthy pandora look up to you like a hearo but to me you are weak and pathetic." Sahoshi said as he charged at Mosashi with a horizontal strike but Mosashi dodged it and kicked Sahoshi in the face sending him flying into a lamp post.

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