Season 2 episode 7

716 12 13

Mosashi's Pov

The howling wind and snow really didn't faze me that much as I was standing in front of Charles  who was blocking our way. I had my weapon out ready to defend myself.

"I don't want to fight you Charles just let us pass." I said pointing my weapon at her.

"Do you know what you are doing or are you just a  idiots?" Charles asked

"You need to know the truth about what is happening here." I said

"You got to be kidding me with this. When the world comes to a end when I'm standing here listening to your crap story. Who's gonna be reasonable  then? Tell me." Charles asked

"Still trying to be the loyal Pandora as ever Charles that you are following blind just think about it for a second. I beg of you Charles please don't stand in our way if you try to interfere you'll regret it forever." I said 

"I only regret not killing all these cheap imitations myself." Charles said  which just angered me.

"Its funny  I knew someone who was just like you who wanted to destroy all pandora and humanity but failed." I said

"And who was that?" Charles asked 

"My brother he had the same concept as yours but in the end it consumed him and I had to kill him." I replied

"So what does that have to do with me?" Charles asked.

"You still don't get it being fool hardy and thinking  your better then everyone else is not the way. You either die as the hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." I replied as this made Charles reflect on something. I could sense she was in conflict with herself before she looked up at me.

"No you are wrong I will prove it by defeating you." Charles said as she ready her weapons and charged at me as I blocked her attack with my weapon as the both of us exchanged blows. The sound of metal rang through the air. Her speed was impressive but I was gonna show her what I can do.  I activated my beast berserker while she activated her tempest turn as we clashed blades once again. 

"Your skills  are not bad Charles but I won't let you win this fight." I said as I delivered a kick to her stomach as she went flying back landing on her feet.

"Not bad  lets continue our dance shall we dance." I said as Charles had a angry look on her face saying that she'll make me pay for doing that as she charged at me but not before turning on her headphones. I remember one of the girls telling that her style of fighting involve her listing to music which I found it amusing to say the least. Using music and moving to the tempo of the beat not bad at all.

3rd Person pov 

Alarms where going off in halls as Marks spencer was walking down the hall towards a door as it open before he walked inside the room and asked what was the situation as one of the workers replied saying that their is fighting in three sections of the complex.

"Is there anything else to report?" Marks asked

"Charles is engaged in battle with Mosashi." Replied one of the workers before Marks tells them to switch to the camera of the area but due to the blizzard the signal was weak. In another part of the complex  Amelia and the others where making their way closer and closer to their target smashing through barricades until they where blocked by Chiffon.

"I'm afraid I must insists you to stop." Chiffon said.

"I take it your not here as an ally then?" Rana asked

"Of course I'm not and incase you forgot this isn't West Genetics which means I can't turn a blind eye to your actions disarm and surrender" Chiffon making Satallizer smirk.

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