Season 2 ep2

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Mosashi's pov

After meeting the e-pandora I was walking down the hall with Rana and Satallizer looking for our rooms.

"Look hears mine." Rana said as I smiled as Satallizer was sharing a room with me to Rana dismay as the both of them argue back and forth on who to share the room with me which was quite funny as I laughed at the both of them. Later on that day I was working out in the gym working on a new move I might test out later before I headed to the pool area in which I didn't know was occupy by the female pandora as I walked in in my swim shorts they looked at me and all of them got nosebleeds.

"Oh excuse me I didn't you girls were using the pool I come back later." I said

"No it's fine we don't mind in fact it will be a honor if you will join us." Elizabeth said as I nodded my head as I walked passed several pandora as I heard them saw I was hot and handsome and was also wondering how I got the scars on my chest and back. I made it to the pool and jumped in with a giant splash as I did a few laps around the pool as the girls were amazed on how fast I was swimming.

"So Mosashi have you heard that they be holding mock battles between the Main Pandora and the Evolution pandora?" Cathy asked

"Evolution Pandora is that what their call now?" I asked

"Yes a carnival to gather data on the two groups to see how fair they stand up against us original pandora." Cathy replied.

"I see well let's see how this carnival turns out tomorrow." I said as  got out of the pool and dried off as I took a sip of punch.

the next day was the mock battles between the E-pandora and the Original pandora was about to start as I was in stands watching one of our own go up against the e- pandora named Rattle who I can tell was nervous  but determine as she walked into the ring.

As the match began Rattle used acceleration but she was still was to slow she had to be faster as the Original pandora unequipped her weapons and punched her sending her flying as she hit the ground as she was panting as we had won the first match...

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As the match began Rattle used acceleration but she was still was to slow she had to be faster as the Original pandora unequipped her weapons and punched her sending her flying as she hit the ground as she was panting as we had won the first match as the next two pandora steeped into the ring. It was another one of ours against a E-pandora name Jina Purpleton who like the other E-pandora did have a volt weapon and was using a wooden Bo-staff.

Once the match started the both of them use acceleration at the same time as they moved across the ring before Gina Jumped into the air with her staff bringing it down only for it break on contact with the Original pandora weapon on impact as it s...

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Once the match started the both of them use acceleration at the same time as they moved across the ring before Gina Jumped into the air with her staff bringing it down only for it break on contact with the Original pandora weapon on impact as it shattered into pieces before she received a hard knee to the chin as she went flying sideways hitting the floor as the pandora went to end it but stopped a inch from Jina's face as she was scared as the match was over.

"Third match Evolution pandora Amelia Evans vs Japans West Genetics Elizabeth Mably." The announcer said.

"Let see what you got." I said to myself as the bell sound for the match to begin as Amelia summon her volt weapon and Elizabeth didn't activate hers saying she wont need it against her as she dodged every single one of Amelia's attacks. As Amelia went for a swing with her weapon Elizabeth simple caught it with her hand as this surprised everyone as I just smirked thinking to myself that attack was sloppy and easy to avoid as Amelia jumped back and use acceleration to run around Elizabeth as she just stood there watching before she dodged an attack and appeared behind Amelia and slapped her so hard she went flying as she rolled across the ring. Amelia staggered to her feet as I saw her body was at her limit if she tried to use another double acceleration her body won't be able to handle it.

"I request this match to be called off. The heath and safety of my opponent is in danger and she can't take it any more." Elizabeth said.

"Good choice Elizabeth." I said as I see Scarlett Ohara walk forward as she said to let the match continue saying that they haven't collected all the data yet and fight until she is incapacitated as those were the rules of the match. Those words didn't sit right with me as I let out a little growl as Amelia agreed to to keep fighting to give her all one- hundred percent. The fight resume as Elizabeth used tempest and delivered a knee to Amelia's stomach before she delivered several blows to the face as Amelia hit the ground as Elizabeth was about to walk away Amelia stood up surprising me and Elizabeth even though she had suffered a concussion. Just as Elizabeth was about to attack the bell rang for the match to be over as I look over to see Amelia standing but not moving she was unconscious as the other E-pandora rushed over to her and laid her on the floor worried about her.

"Damn she really gave it her all." Roxanna said as I had to agree but at a cost. Thinking to myself why would she risk so much for a test? So many questions ran through my mind as I left the stands. Later I was walking past the locker rooms as I overheard Rattle and Gina talking as i heard everything as Rattle  became a E-pandora to  escape hunger, thus leading her to eat more than normal and as for Gina she became a E-pandora after her parents sold her which just pissed me off. I walked in after knocking of course as the girls turned to face me

"It's you Mosashi was it?" Rattle asked as I nodded my head

"You ladies did your best out there I watched you guys fight." I said as I walked over to them and healed their wounds.

"With more training you will be the best. You and the other E-pandora and the original are two sides of the same coin they be a resemblance but we don't face the same direction keep homing your skills and and you be fine." I said as the girls felt a little better about themselves.

"Thank you Mosashi." Rattle as she walked over to me and shook my hand as I shook hers and was about to leave.

"Wait Mosashi." Amelia said as I turned around.

"Yes ?" I asked.

"Once I'm fully healed I want to test your skills against mine." Amelia said as I smiled

"So do I." Rattle said

"Count me in to." Jina said as I smiled at them. 

"I'm looking forwards to it." I said as I walked out when I look over I see Satallizer standing there.

"You really are kind to everyone Mosashi." Mosashi said.

"I know if I can help other improve themselves then that my only reward." I said as Satallizer grabbed my arm as we walked down the hall back to our room not knowing someone was watching us.

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