Season 2 episode 4

682 17 2

a/n: Play this song while reading. I think it fits the scene. Stop the music at anytime during the story)

Mosashi's Pov

Satallizer and I ran down the hall as fast as we can as the alarms where still going off as we got closer to the scene I saw Gina who looked half human and half nova. She didn't listen to my warning and now look what she did. I thought to myself as I see Amelia and Rattle in complete fear of what their friend had become.

"Amelia, Rattle." I said as I stopped in front of them with my back to them.

"Mosashi." Rattle said

"You ladies okay?" I asked as I look at the half novafied Gina.

"Please help me." Gina said as she walked closer to us Amelia walked a but closer until a laser beam shot out of nowhere causing Gina to jump back and for us to turn around to see Elizabeth with her volt weapon deployed.

"What's happening to her?" Amelia asked as I told her she was turning into a nova.

"Please you have to help her." Rattle said 

"I do what I can." I said

"No you were suppose to be on stand-by." Elizabeth said

"Maybe but still you best let me handle this." I said a Gina charged at us as we dodged her attack.

"Best stay back I don't want anyone else to get hurt." I said as I summoned my volt weapon.

"Gina I know your still in there fight it." I said as Gina charged at me and swung her blade arm as I blocked her attacked and kicked her back.

"The Mark four is a sham." Gina said as this surprised everyone in the area as I knew it from the very beginning it was a sham. Thinking to myself this is what happens when you try to play god and create things that you can't control. My ears twitched a little as I heard footsteps approaching as I see Charles run into the hall with her limiter as he asked what was going on as Charles said that Gina was a monster and was gonna take her out but I held my arm out telling them don't make a move this I could handle myself.

"Please help me." Gina said as she was in so much pain as she attacked me again as I blocked her attack and counter with my own as I was keeping up with her even when she used acceleration  I kept up with her. Metal clashed with one another as the sound of our blades rang through the hall as Gina and I were deep in battle as I delivered a powerful kick to Gina in the back as she went flying hitting a wall. The area was silent like a grave as nothing was moving from the rubble.

"Is she?" Satallizer asked as I shook my head as the rubble began to move as Gina got up and screamed as she charged at me as I ready myself to defend until Amelia got in between us and received a blow to the shoulder as everyone including myself was shocked and surprised.

"Is she?" Satallizer asked as I shook my head as the rubble began to move as Gina got up and screamed as she charged at me as I ready myself to defend until Amelia got in between us and received a blow to the shoulder as everyone including myself ...

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"I will always protect you Gina." Amelia said as she was holding her wound. Thinking to myself to to do anything to save a friend Amelia would put her own life in danger that is a true friend.

"Mosashi please bring back Gina to us please." Amelia said with tears in her eyes as I felt a power surge with in me as it was time to try out that skill as I glowed red and blue.

" Amelia said with tears in her eyes as I felt a power surge with in me as it was time to try out that skill as I glowed red and blue

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"Lets finish beast berseker wild fang." I said as ten copies of me appeared with the same color auras as me as we attacked Gina landing blow after blow after blow on the poor girl but this was the only way.

"Such speed and power Mosashi is something else." Charles said as the other pandora was watching as my clones and I were not letting up until all ten of my cloned delivered a massive blow to Gina as she hit the ground hard and wasn't moving I powered down and walked over to her body.

"I'm sorry I had to that Gina bit it was the only way now to undo this vile venom." I said as I placed my hands together and closed my eyes as a white aura surround me and Gina as I use Senjutsu on the broken Gina as I started to draw out the drug as she started to return to normal but the strain was almost to much on my body. I haven't master it yet but I had to push past my limits. 

"Please Mosashi bring her back." Rattle said as I was close.

"Almost there." I said as the last of the drug was out of her body as Gina reverted to normal as I feel to a knee panting out of breath as my body felt like its been through the ringer as Satallizer walked over and helped me up and hugged me as Gina was starting to wake up.

"Gina your okay." Amelia said as she went over to hug her.

"What happen?" Gina asked as they explained everything to her as she looked at me and slowly walked over to me and cried as she hugged me.

"Thank you Mosashi for everything." Gina said as she cried in my shoulder as I petted her head.

"Shh your safe now." I said as Gina kept crying as I heard nearby footsteps as I turned to see Scarlet Ohara walking form the destroyed lab as my blood boil as I wrapped my tails around her body and began to squeeze the lift out of her my eyes glowing red as she begged for mercy.

"Mercy? What did I tell you the last time we spoke? Didn't I say if any of the pandora get hurt or turned into Nova you have to answer to me?" I asked as my voice was demonic in nature as i squeezed her tighter as I could hear her bones begin to crack.

"I should crush your body here and now." I said still in my demonic voice before Satallizer walked up to me and hugged me from behind as she begged for me to stop as I looked at her then back to Ohara then dropped her the ground and told her that she'll tell me everything about who is behind this and where can I find them cause there's gonna to be hell to pay for when I catch up with up well lets just say it won't be pretty.

(a/n: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I wanted to right more but I'm tired. anyway let me know what you think later)

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