Chapter five

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3rd person pov

After Mosashi was challenged by Arnett A.K.A The slashing trickster he walked up on the platform and so did Arnett as they stood across from each other sizing each other up waiting for the teacher to start the spar.

"Be careful Arnett he's fast and strong." Attia said as Arnett just scoffed.

"Now as fast as me. Volt weapon Deploy!" Arnett replied as she summoned her weapon as Mosashi got into a fighting stance.

"Ready when you are Arnett." Mosashi said as the girl were a little confused in why he wasn't using his volt weapon.

"I really don't need to use my volt weapon for this spar I got all the things I need right here." Mosashi said as the teacher told the both of them to begin. Of course Mosashi let Arnett make the first move as she charaged at Mosashi.

"They call me the slashing trickster around here." Arnett said as she swung her weapon at Mosashi but her blade was caught by Mosashi's tails as he pushed her back.

"Am I suppose to be afraid?" Mosashi said as the class was in awe as they can't belive he just blocked Arnett's attatck with his tails.

"Not bad but lets see you try this one." Arnett said as she charged at Mosashi again just as he was about to counter she disappeared and apperead behind him as she tried to slash at Mosashi with her duel sided scythe but he just dodged it by doing a backflip over her and was about to deliver a kick to her but she disappeared again as she was right on top of as she brought her weapon down as Mosashi dodge the attack.

" Arnett said as she charged at Mosashi again just as he was about to counter she disappeared and apperead behind him as she tried to slash at Mosashi with her duel sided scythe but he just dodged it by doing a backflip over her and was about to d...

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"Wow your fast Im a little impressed with you speed Arnett." Mosashi said as he smiled.

"Thank you Mosashi but I'm just getting started." Arnett replied as she disappeared once again but Mosashi caought on as he to disappeared from sight and that was heard was the sound of impacts from the both of them before they reappread as Mosashi's shirt was ripped a little but had Arnett blade in his hands as he had a f/c aura surrounding his hand blocking it.

"Your fast but watch this." Mosasahi said as he activated his beast berserker mode as his body was covered with f/c aura as he punched Arnett in the stomach so hard it surly had cracked as few bones or two as he gave her a nice round house kicked to the side as she went flying but Mosashi was hot on her tail as she recovered from the kick she saw him coming towards her as she swung her weapon at him but he disappeared and hit her several times each time he disappeared and reappeared landing blow after blow on Arnett. Sending her flying into the air and kicking her back down in to the ground. (a/n: Something like this)

After Arnett recovered from getting slammed into the ground Mosashi continued his assault as Arnett swung her weapon blindly trying to hit him.

"Damn it hold still." Arnett said as she went into Pandora mode as her speed had increased to match his. Just when he was about to deliver a blow Arnett swung her blade around hitting Mosashi tearing apart his gym shirt exposing his upper body to the girls as they blushed upon looking at his body.

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