Chapter 12

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3rd person pov

Its been a few days since the attack by Mosashi's brother Sohashi on the school. The school was being repaird as most of the class were cancel due to repairs. Everything was returning back to normal except for Mosashi wo was still in the hospital recovering from his cuts and burns. his whole upper body was cover with bandages and so was his left arm. The girls would come and check on him everyday and bring him flowers and ballons saying to get well soon.

Sateallizer was walking down to Mosashi's hospital room caring some flowers when she saw Lana leaving his room

"Hey Satallizer going to check on Mosashi?" Rana asked as Satellizer as she nodded her head as Rana walked passed her as Satallizer continue towards the room as she knocked on it before she opened it as saw the rest of the girls near Mosashi's bed.

"How is he?" Satellizer asked as Elizabeth turned to look up at her.

"The nurses said he will make a full recovery in a few more days." Elizabeth said as she stroked his hair.

"He scarfice so much for us and this was his reward." Attia said as she was sadden at the fact the guy she cared about was in this state.

"There was nothing that we could do it was all Sosahi's fault." Ganessa said.

"I agree but still just seeing him like this I...I." Arnett said as she was about to burst into tears as Creo hugged and comfort her as Satallizer placed the flowers in a vase and sat near Mosashi's bed and placed her hand in his.

"Please get better Mosashi now for yourself but for all of us." Satallizer said as she kissed his lips before getting up.

"We sould let him get some rest." Kaho said as the girls nodded and left the room so Mosashi can rest.

Mosashi's Pov

As I was laying in the bed feeling like shit. My body felt like lead as I couldn't move it. I was walking in the void of my mind walking but felt like I was going no where.

"Man I sure did over do it huh?" I said to myself 

"I say going all out like that." A voice said as I look around but didn't see anyone until a light apperead a figured appered before me as I knew who it was as I kneeled ini respect.

"Lady Amaterasu." I said as I remained kneeled as she stood before me.

" I said as I remained kneeled as she stood before me

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"Rise my child no need to kneel to me." Amaterasu said as I stood up.

"What brings  you here my Goddess?" I asked

"I was watching you Mosashi and studying you how you interacted with the pandors and wanted to tell you that you have a special gift of bringing light to this world and thats why you are also called the guarding fox." Amaterasu said as I looked down.

"But still I don't feel like I deserve the title I let my friends get hurt I lost control and nearly killed the ones I tried to protect." I said as Amaterasu took her hand and placed it on my cheek. Her hands so soft and warm making me look at her.

"It was to protect them Mosashi you did what you had to do so don't doubt yourself you are still the guarding fox and I will always watch over you and the others as I was in tears as I hugged her as she petted my head as she told me to let it all out as she was singing a song to calm me down which made me feel better. I looked up at her our eyes locked on to one another as she did something I didn't expected she kissed me on the lips.

"My guarding fox go forth and be renew and contiune to protect this world and those who you care about." Amaterasu said as I felt my body glow as I felt a surge of power and strengh. Just as I was about to ask Amaterasu told me that she had healed my body but still I needed to rest.

"Thank you my goddess will I see you again?" I asked as Amaterasu just smiled and petted my head before she vanished.

A few days later I woke with something heavy on my body as I slowly opened my eyes to see Satellizer sleeping on top of me as I reached up and stroked her soft long blonde hair such a beauitful flower of a women.

I heard her moan a little as she was sleeping soundly as I slowly moved her over so not to wake her as I got out of bed as I staggered to my feet still a little weak as I streched my body and heard a few of my bones crack and pop which hurt like a son of a bitch but it felt good being out of the bed as I walked tot he window and opened it to get some freash air. The mourning fresh air sure felt good as I streched my tails and looked out the window until I heard Satella slowly waking up.

"Hey there sleeping beauty sleep well?" I asked as her eyes widen and before I could do anything she rushed to me like a cannon ball and hugged me while slowly crying in my arms.

"Mosashi I missed you so much please don't leave me." Satallizer said as I stroked her hair and said I will never leave her again.

"Promise?" Satallizer asked as I smiled and looked at her.

"I promise." I replied as I pulled her in closer and kissed her on the lips just as the door opened to see the other girls in my so called harem standing in the door.

"Het no fair I wanted to be the first one he see's when he wakes up." Rana said.

"Satallizer how dare you beat us to him." Ganessa said as I just laughed as Satellizer was blushing.

"Nice to see you to ladies." I said with a smile as all of them rushed over to me and hugged me and kiss me.

"So what did  I miss?" I asked as the girls almost deadpanned as I just laughed and told them I was joking as we spent the rest of the morning talking as we made our way to get some breaksfast after I showered of course. Once in the cafertia  I got myself some breaksfast as the girls sat around me close and tried to feed me my breakfast.

"Ladies you don't have to do this I can feed myself." I said but the girls just told me to shut up as they contiune to feed me ignoring my please to tell them to stop as they said they will protect me from now on. Being a male protagonist in a school of all girls was definitely all worth it.

all other male harem protaganist: Amen

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