Chapter seven

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3rd person pov

MOSASHI!" Ingrid said as Mosashi turned to face her as she was in her night attire

MOSASHI!" Ingrid said as Mosashi turned to face her as she was in her night attire

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"Hey Ingrid, what's up?" Mosashi asked as He dodged a punch from Ingrid.

"Don't act all friendly with me Mosashi you know what you did." Ingrid said.

"And that is?" Mosashi asked as Ingrid told him about what he did to Miyabi.

"If she's your friend then I'm sorry but she was gonna embarrass Satellizer in the entire school I couldn't allow that. But don't take my word for it ask Miyabi." Mosashi said as he pointed to Miyubi.

"He's telling the truth Ingrid I did try to embarrass Satallizer and I regret my mistake." Miyubi said but Ingrid was listing as she attacked Mosashi as he dodges her attack.

"Still fighting is not allowed on school grounds. I'm here to give you your full punishment" Ingrid said as Chiffon said thank you.

"But your gonna fight me here so your somewhat contradicting yourself aren't you?" Mosashi asked.

"I do what I have to maintain order at this school even it means breaking them." Ingrid replied.

"Oh, come on!" Chiffon said.

"I guess it can't be helped then." Mosashi said as he summoned his weapon and got into his fighting stance.

Mosashi's Pov

(a/n: Play this while reading this part)

As Ingrid and I collided our weapons I saw so much hate and ger in her eyes something had her really upset beside me beating the living crap out of Miyubi. But if I was gonna figure out what it was I had to ask the question. As I swung with my sword I went for a downward strike, but Ingrid blocked it and pushed me back while she came at me with fury of blows as I dodged each one of them. Thinking to myself I just got out of the cell and I'm not going back there so I had to figure out a way out of this.

Just as Ingrid was about to land a hit I jumped over her and kicked her in the back and ran trying to get away.

"Your not getting away Mosashi." Ingrid said as she used her triple acceleration as she gives chase after me while the girls follow.

I kept running until I saw my dorm right in front of me as was almost home free until Ingrid showed up as to block my path.

"You can't escape the guarding of Order Mosashi!" Ingrid said

"You got to be kidding me." I said as I dodged an incoming attack from Ingrid and delivered an attack of my own, but it was blocked as I see two clones of Ingrid before I felt a punch to my stomach making me fly back hitting the ground as I quickly stood back up.

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