Chapter 17

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3rd person Pov

The moon hung in the night sky as the sound of a guy running through the trees running away form someone or something who had just killed his camping buddy a few minutes ago.  As he was running he was thinking to himself he had to find a way out of the wood as he stopped to catch his breath he was suddenly impaled through the stomach by a sword that came flying out of nowhere as a shadow like figure walked out of the shadows with a disgusting look on his face.

"Oh how dreadfully dull killing humans one at a time like this." Sahoshi said appearing from the shadows as the guy was gasping as blood was spilling from his mouth.

"If it wasn't for those damn Pandora and my dear brother Mosashi getting in the way of the Nova then this world would be free of the humans. Ugh just thinking about the pandora makes me sick to my stomach." Sahoshi said as as he pulled the sword from the mans gut as he feel to his knees holding his stomach before Sahosh had a evil grin on his face.

"But soon my plan will be set in motion." Sahoshi said as he looks at the man

"Why am I telling you this you won't be around to tell anyone about this." Sahoshi said as he raised his sword and sliced the guys head off as blood splatted against the tree as the guys head rolled on the ground as Sahoshi picked up the headless body and tossed into the bushes as a pack of wolves came and started to rip the body part as Sahoshi started to laugh like crazy as a bolt of lighting shot through the sky

In his dorm room at West Genetics Mosashi shot up in bed in a cold sweat as he wiped his face with his hand.

"Is something wrong master?" Miyabi asked who was wearing a collar around her neck  wearing blue lingerie (a/n: picture her with a dog collar around her neck)

"Is something wrong master?" Miyabi asked who was wearing a collar around her neck  wearing blue lingerie (a/n: picture her with a dog collar around her neck)

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"It's nothing just a bad dream." Mosashi replied as he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up for the day as Miyabi got up and helped her master dress before she kissed his cheek and went to wash up herself

A hour later Mosashi was on a transport with Sister Margaret to East Genetics which wasn't a long ride as they landed on the hele-pad and got off the chopper and walked towards the school from there they were escorted to a observation room were in the room below showed a girl and her limiter fighting against holographic version of two nova. Mosashi watched with interest as she had used a quadruple acceleration to dodge the nova attacks and destroyed them as the holo arena returned to normal.

"So that's the her the god speed of the east." Mosashi said 

"Yes she is the top rank third rank here at East Genetics. Her name is Cathy Lockhart." Sister Margaret said.

" Sister Margaret said

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"I like to met her." Mosashi said as the both o them walked out of the room and headed towards the plaza as they Cathy and another girl show up.

"Hello there my name name is Mosashi and must Cathy Lockhart the Godspeed. I saw you in action and I must admit I was impressed." Mosashi said as Cathy sort of blushed when he said that.

"Oh thank you Mosashi." Cathy replied.

"Thank you for having me as a guest here I never thought there would be other schools like West Genetics out here." Mosashi said as Sister Margaret said that Cathy is one of the chosen Pandora.

"I see." Mosashi replied as they talked about stuff like their dislikes and likes as Cathy said she want's to be a novelist which surprised Mosashi.

"We now this is something I didn't expect but I can respect someone who willing to follow their dreams despite being a pandora. Everyone has their own purpose in life their own destiny if you will and it's up to decide which road to take and also it would be a crime if I didn't read any of your work." Mosashi said with a smile which made Cathy blush.

"Thank you for your kind words Mosashi." Cathy said.

"Your welcome." Mosashi said as they talked a little bit more just as the sun was about to set Mosashi and Sister Margaret headed back to the transport as it took off back towards West Genetics. As Cathy was alone with her teacher telling her about the problem she had the sirens went off just as the transport landed back at West Genetics Yumi was already there and told the both of them that a dimensional interference that they picked up recently ended up being the nova.

Meanwhile back at East Genetics the whole place was alert as Pandora and limiters were all assemble in the auditorium as Sister Margaret, Yumi and Mosashi enter the room as they saw on the screen four S class nova. In the harbor the four nova made their way through the defenses as attack helicopters fire everything that they got at the nova but it had no effect as the lead nova created a blast that destroyed the area along with the assault craft. 

"Yes that's right my pretties destroy everything in sight bring waste to this worthless planet." Sahoshi  said as he was standing on top of a building laughing as he enjoying the destruction the nova was creating.

Back at West Genetics Mosashi was pissed as he saw the image of his brother laughing.

"That bastard how dare he enjoys this chaos." Mosashi said as he growled.

"We should have known we can't slow them down." Elize said

"Those soldiers didn't stood a chance." Yumi said

A few minutes later Pandora were heading to the target sigh were Sahoshi was watching.

"Oh?! what do we have here little ants ready to be crushed?" Sahoshi said as he saw the pandora begin to set up a ploy around the nova as Sahoshi just watched thinking to himself if only he had a bag of popcorn to eat as he watched the pandora attempt their little plan as the decoy units moved in first then the strikers as the core of the first one nova was exposed as Cathy used her quadruple acceleration  to go in and delivered the finishing blow but the nova saw the attack coming and blocked it sending her crashing into the ground

"Oh so close." Sahoshi said as he watch the pandora try the same tactic again as he laughed.

"What makes you think this time will be different" Sahoshi asked as he looked at the fist S class nova.

"Go my dear nova show them what true power feels like." Sahoshi said as the nova build massive energy as fired the beam at the area in front of itself wiping out most if not all of the pandora in it's firing range as several pandora screamed in pain. Back at West Genetics everyone was shocked at the amount of power the nova had unleashed.

"Since when can nova fire beam like that" Elize asked.

"This isn't like their last attack." Yumi said.

"It was foolish of us to think we've seen the limit of their strength and this is the price we payed for out ignorance." Sister Margaret said as Mosashi was speechless as he watched the monitors thinking to himself what has his brother done?

Back at the harbor the pandora were still crying out in pain as some had parts of their bodies blown apart from the blast others were blind for the attack as Sahoshi had a wicked grin on his face.

"Now it's time for a little snack my dear nova enjoy." Sahoshi said as the nova started to grab the remaining pandora and started to absorb and fused with them until all of them were apart of it along with Cathy.

"Yes wonderful devour them all leave none of them standing." Sahoshi said as the screams of the pandora that were being absorbed were music to his ears as he watched the last of pandora get fused with the nova.

"Perfect!!!! such a beautiful sight to see now on to West Genetics my nova plenty of pandora to fuse with and soon Mosashi you will die." Sahoshi said laughing like a mad man as the nova continue it's advance

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