Chapter 129: The Weight.

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[And you tell me that you needed time,
but you push me away
But then you try to take me back,
my heavy heart just breaks]

     It didn't take very long to pack. For me at least. For Via, it took a little longer. I had put everything in my car and taken Via to Yomara's for a little while, just until I get this over with. And by the time I had gotten back to the house, Niall's car was already in the driveway. I turned off the car, staying in it for a little while before I had to go in. 

     Was what I was about to do the right thing? I mean, maybe I got it all wrong. There's obviously an explanation to all this, right? To why Niall had been avoiding his family. To why I felt like I was not good enough for Niall anymore.

     But clearly this all was just non-sense and someone had to be the bigger person and put a stop to it. If Niall wanted to act like a child after having his own, fine. He can do all that he wants with his life. Even if he wants, he doesn't even have to be part of Via's life anymore. But everything was messing with me and my head and my ability to raise Via. This was the only option.

     I kept trying to remind myself that what I was about to do was a good thing as I walked up to the door. I couldn't stop the feeling of my heart sinking. I couldn't stop the part of me that wanted to turn back around and forget about this idea at all. But I'm doing this for Via. It's not fair for her to be seeing Niall and I not get along. So this is better. It's better this way.. It's better this way..

     I walked in, hearing the T.V on in the living area and the familiar laughs and giggles that I've been sadly accustomed to. I walked to them, not bothering to use my manners in stepping into their conversation and looked at Niall. "We need to talk." I interrupted.

     "Can't it wait--?"

     "No. It can't." Niall and Stacey exchanged a look before he stood up and followed me into the kitchen, leaving Stacey on the couch. 

     "What's this about." Niall demanded. 

     "I think you know." I said back. "I thought the cheating thing was at a stop now." 

     "Cheating?! What cheating?!" Niall's eyes grew furious.

     I rolled my eyes, placing a hand at my hip. "Don't play stupid with me now, Niall Horan." I said angrily. "If you didn't want to be with me anymore, fine. But cheating is wrong in so many ways. Even for you. Now, explain to me what I could've done to prevent it." 

     Niall scoffed, turning back around and heading back to the living room. I stepped in front of him. "Emily, what the hell is your problem!?"

     "You have no right to ask me what my problem is." I snapped. "If anything, I'm the only one that's smart enough to bring this up. Now, I want answers. How long have you and Ms. Perfect going at it behind my back."

     "You're insane." 

     "Am I?" I poked harshly at his chest. "In case you didn't know, we have a daughter that I wouldn't dare let down because of her father's decisions. Now I'm gonna ask again. How long."

     Niall rolled his eyes, "You know. For three years, I've taken you back twice."

     "Because you broke my heart, twice." I replied, feeling my heart begin to grow heavy. "Why can't you do just something decent for once. If not for me, then for Olivia."

     "Because you and everyone else expects the absolute best of me and at least Stacey doesn't expect me to be the perfect person." Niall says, growing angry by the way his hands began to fist tightly. 

     "We all tried to get you on the right path because you decided not to wear protection and get me pregnant!"

     "You said that you couldn't even have kids!" Niall snapped. 

     "And it gives you the right to abandon your daughter like you did!?" I bit my lip as he looked at me. "How do you think you deserve my respect and love, Niall, when you've done absolutely nothing to earn it. Olivia admired you the most out of the short amount of time that you were around, Niall. How could you not see that?"

     "I will not be held down by you or anyone else." 

     "What's the matter with you?! I'm reaching out to you to try and fix this, despite everything you've done to me and your daughter and you still can't get out of your own way and see what's going on!" I cried, my tears not having any reaction on him. I scoffed, looking away to head out. "GOD! I feel sorry for you." I began to walk out.

     My arm was harshly grabbed, forcing me to turn back. "DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" Niall shouted.

     Through gritted teeth, I replied, "I should've turned my back on you AGES AGO!" I released my arm from his grasp and walked out. 

     "Emily. I-I'm so sorry. But you have the wrong idea..." Stacey tried to stop me. 

     "Don't you dare try and talk me out of this." I spat at her. "It's because of you that this is happening at all!" Her eyes went from pity to hate. "Stay away from me and my daughter.

     And with that, I left.


[The Weight- Shawn Mendes]



*clears throat awkwardly*


*awkward silence*

mmk bye

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All the love, C. xx

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