Chapter 105: Fire Away.

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[Darling you don't have to hold it
You don't have to be afraid
You can go ahead and unload it
'Cause you know it'll be okay]


      I groaned, throwing the covers off of me, needing to pee for the 5th time tonight. When I sat up, I stopped, feeling wetness under me. Did I pee myself? The smell of pee didn't consume the room like it would. I turned on the lamp and felt myself wake up completely. My eyes started to water as I saw the big blood stain on the sheets. No, no, no. This can't happen. Not right now when I just hit twelve weeks. I felt myself start to panic as I looked for my phone. When I found it, I sniffled and wiped away a tear that fell, but not making a difference to the others that were falling. I quickly dialed Niall's number, feeling terrible that I had to call him at 3 a.m, knowing that he was asleep.

      It rang and rang until I was sent to voicemail. My hands were shaking as I called him again, this time only waiting a couple rings until he answered. "Hello?" His voice signified that I indeed had just woken him up. 

      "N-Niall. I don't know what happened. I-" I was cut off when a sob left my mouth from the panic. 

      "Emily, listen to me. Calm down." He said, now sounding more awake. "What's wrong? What happened?" 

      "I-I... I just woke up and- and there's bl-blood everywhere, Niall. I don't know what to do." I panicked. I heard him already shuffling around. 

      "I'll be right there, pet. I'll call Doctor Claire right now." He said. I heard him shut his door and his running footsteps. "I need you to try and do something for me. Can you do that?" I nodded, playing with my bottom lip, only small whimpers coming from me. "I need you to try and change your pants. Okay? I'm going right now and then we can take you to Doctor Claire." I can tell that he was panicking like I was, but tried to stay calm to calm me down.

      Niall and I hung up, and with my hands still shaking, I was able to change out of my underwear and pants to a different pair of sweats. I looked back at the mattress, already imagining something terrible happening to my baby. I can hear the door open and close and Niall's footsteps running to the bedroom. He appears in my doorway and sees me. He sighs and goes up to me, hugging me tightly. I wrap my arms around his waist as he caresses my hair. "It's okay, it's okay." He whispers. I cried into his chest hoping that he wouldn't leave me because I might've lost our baby. "It's okay, come on, let's go." I was too shaken up to walk and he noticed. He slid his arms under my thighs and picked me up, carrying me out of my room and out of the apartment.

      He placed me in the passenger seat and was quick to go to the driver's seat and start driving to the doctor's office. It was a quick drive since the office wasn't very far from my place. He held me the same way to the office where the doctor was already out and waiting for us and rushing to us when she saw us. "What happened?" She asked Niall. 

      "She- She bled out and.." He couldn't say much before Doctor Claire got the nurses to bring me a wheelchair. 

      "Sit her down, we'll take her in right away." She instructed. 

      "Niall..." I whispered reaching my hand out for him. 

      "It's alright. They're going to make sure you and the angel are okay." He assured, holding my hand as we went into the sonogram room.

      Doctor Claire was focused to get the sonogram and got the gel on me quickly. She moved the wand around and the relief was visible on her and Niall's features. "Your baby is okay." She says. "It was only the effects of your past surgeries that made you bleed out." She said, showing me her screen that showed the baby. The sound of the heartbeat made relief wash over me. She handed me a paper towel and continued to explain. "You had a side effect of Placenta Previa. Basically, the placenta gives oxygen and nutrients for the baby to develop normally. It attaches to the upper part of the uterus, but with Placenta Previa, it covers the cervix completely or partially." She explains. 

      "What's the cervix?" Niall asked. 

      "It's the opening between the uterus and the vagina." She replied. "But since you had that surgery on you, the scarring is what caused it." 

      I nodded, "Can it be treated? It won't hurt the baby?" I asked, tossing the paper towel into the bin. 

      "Was it heavy bleeding what you had?" 

      I nodded, "Yeah." 

      "Then you'll just have to stay here for a night. Just to keep watch in case it happens again and to be here if it does." Niall and I nodded. "As for hurting the baby, just as long as you take your vitamins, it won't, but it'll result in you getting a C-Section during labor and not a natural labor. Is that alright?" I nodded slowly, feeling disappointed that I couldn't have natural labor because of those dickheads that made me get Placenta Previa in the first place. "I'll go get you a room." She says, walking out of the room.

      Niall kneeled beside me, he was clearly just as relieved as I was. "See? You and our angel are alright." He smiles. 

      I sighed, "I'm sorry I woke you, Ni." I said quietly. 

      "Pet, this is what I'm here for. When I said that we were in this together, this is what I meant." He says, placing his hands on top of mine. I sighed, leaning my head back into the pillow on the bed. 

      "Jesus, baby. You scared me..." I whispered, rubbing the now more visible belly. Niall chuckled softly before placing kisses on my tummy. 

      "Don't scare mummy and daddy like that." He says, caressing the spots that I wasn't.

      Niall and I went into the hospital room that was assigned to us and was left by the nurse who bid us a goodnight after showing us the button to press in case we needed any help or some assistance. I sighed, sitting on the bed and slouching, revealing my growing stomach even more. "Are they gonna make you sleep in a hospital gown?" Niall asked, sitting beside me. 

      I shrugged, "Hope not. We're leaving in the morning anyway." I responded, lifting my legs and trying to get comfortable on the bed. 

      "You know... We just hit twelve weeks.." Niall smiles to himself. 

      I nodded, smiling while looking at him and playing with the hem of my shirt. "Mhm.." 

      "Can we do those cliche reveals then?" 

      I rolled my eyes, still smiling. "How about something simple?" 

      Niall scoffed jokingly. "Alright.. Alright, you're the mum here." I laughed, yawning right after. "Go to sleep, pet. I'll be here when you wake up." I let out a raspberry while I let out a breath. 

      "Can you go to my place and get my gramma's blanket?" I asked hopefully. 

      Niall nodded, "Yeah, sure. Anything else?" 

      "My phone and a hoodie." Niall nodded, standing up and kissing my forehead. 

      "I'll be back then." 

      I smiled, "I love youuu." I sang out as he began to walk out. He gave a grin, opening the door. 

      "I love you too."


[Fire Away - Niall Horan]



Just out of curiosity, do you have any name suggestions for the nemily baby???

Vote, Comment, Share.


All the love, C. xx

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