Chapter 130: You Broke Me First.

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[You could say you miss all that we had
But I don't really care how bad it hurts
When you broke me first]

     The drive back to Yomara's took a lot longer than I anticipated. At least.. It felt a lot longer than usual. My phone would ring non-stop with Niall's name on the screen. So now he cares? It got to the point where I put my phone on "DO NOT DISTURB" that made the calls stop. 

     When I got to Yomara's, I turned off the car and put the brakes and grabbed my phone. I dialed Harry's number first, putting it up to my ear and letting it ring before I heard his voice. "Hey, Em. You doing alright?" He questioned.

     "You don't mind if Via and I crash at your place for a few days, do you?" I asked, getting out of the car and closing the door. 

     "You did it, didn't you?" 

     I cleared my throat lightly, nodding to myself and leaning against the car. "Yeah. Yeah, I did."

     "And how do you feel? Are you okay? Do I need to send Louis to Niall? How's Via--?"

     "We're fine, H." I sighed. "Via wasn't there when it went down. I've finally stopped crying. Right now.. I just feel kinda.. Numb, I guess? I don't know. Is that.. Is that normal?"

     "Of course it is, Em." Harry said. "Niall's put so much pain into you and all you did is get your heart broken. It's natural for you to not know how to feel right now. Just take it slow, okay?" I nodded again, "I'll get the guest room ready and try and somewhat baby-proof the house. I'll leave the door open."

     "Thanks, H. You're the best." 

     "I know I am." I smiled lightly, letting out a small chuckle. "Love youuu." He sang out.

     "Love you too. Be there soon."

     When we hung up, I went up to the door and walked in. Yomara was sitting on the couch with Tom on the floor with Ash while Via was sitting next to him staring and what they were doing with curiosity. I smiled lightly and closed the door. The sound made the paws of Tessa being to run towards me. I bent down and patted her head before going and getting Via's attention. Via smiled brightly, reaching up and making grabby hands.

     I picked her up with ease, holding her on my hip and letting her play with my necklace. Soon after, I bid Yomara, Tom, and Ash good-bye before leaving and driving to Harry's. On the way, Via fell asleep in her car seat while listening to the music playing softly in the car until we arrived. I yawned, getting out and grabbing Via's bag and one of mine. I picked up Via, kicking the door closed and went up to Harry's door. 

     There was always something about Harry and his presence that always felt comforting and the air was always filled with kindness and reassurance. It was probably just Harry in general, seeing that he's always been that way, but it was always something. As promised, the door was open and I removed my shoes at the doorway, already feeling comfort embrace me. It was a bit late, and Harry always tried to sleep early, so I quietly set the alarm, locked the door, and walked to the guest room with our things. 

     I changed my pants into some sweats and changed Via into her pj's. I laid her next to me for the night and placed a pillow at her other side so she wouldn't fall. I turned off the "DO NOT DISTURB" to check my notifications after putting it on silent and found more missed calls from Niall and some messages from the other boys. I answered Liam and Zayn's, whose were just some photos of the kids.

     I went to Louis', reading over the message and typing in a reply.

From Louis: Harry told me what you did. You and Via doing okay? xx.

To Louis: I feel fine. Via's fine. Just got to Harry's for a few nights. 

From Louis: You're lying, Em.

To Louis: Truth?

From Louis: Always.

To Louis: I know I'm supposed to feel empowered or some bull like that after leaving Niall, but truth is, I don't know what to feel. I feel like I'm broken, but I don't know.

From Louis: It's okay to feel like that, Emily. You're a human with a good soul and that asshole put you through a lot and it's okay not to be okay. You did the right thing, ending things with Niall. You'll get through this. You always do.

To Louis: Promise?

From Louis: I could never lie.


[you broke me first- Tate McRae]


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