Chapter 3. Kiss No More

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Mature Theme & Scene Ahead***

The first week had passed quickly for Selena, Jacob, and Silas.

While Selena was at work from 7 to 3 Monday-Friday, Jacob would continue on with his internship and Silas at a part time job managing a thrift shop nearby. Each day, Selena would share a quick breakfast with Silas, occasionally Jacob, made by Silas in the morning. Since Silas had to be at the pastry shop so early, he made breakfast for the rest of the household and cleaned before he left each morning.

Selena was thankful there was another person to help her with making meals and cleaning, she thought she was to do it all on her own while the two were here, but he changed it. Jacob could cook, he was taught at a young age to cook being that it's a necessity in life, but he just wasn't very good at it. The simple stuff was good but asking him to prepare chicken, season steak, or even make a simple pancake was a bit much for him. Silas seemed to be able to do it all and actually enjoyed cooking.

It was also a plus that it all tasted amazing.

It is now Sunday evening and Silas was finishing up preparing dinner for them. It was a simple shrimp and broccoli alfredo with garlic bread. Jacob had quickly run out to get drinks, seeing as though there was only water and milk in the fridge, leaving just the two of them alone. Selena had gotten more comfortable around Silas.

Throughout the week, although Selena stayed guarded, she opened herself up more to Silas and in turn learned more about him. He had two older sisters named Jazmine and Nazanin who currently lived in England. Nazanin was married and had three children while Jazmine remained single. When their parents had gotten divorced, Silas lived with their father while his sisters stayed with their mother.

Although they lived far from one another, they still had a strong relationship and loved one another. It reminded Selena of her own relationship with her older sister, Camila and older brother Simon. They lived about an hour away in one state over, yet still kept a strong relationship with one another.

Selena had also learned that he also spoke multiple languages and what it was like growing up in different countries. Silas spoke Spanish, Japanese, and some Farsi he had learned from his mother. It was impressive to say the least, Selena only knew Spanish and English.

Now they both moved around the kitchen, Selena setting the table and Silas sprinkling the last bit of parsley on the pasta. Silas was rambling on about how a man had tried to swindle him and the other employees to get more money for fake jewelry.

"You would think he would come up with better lies," Silas let out closing the lid on the parsley before placing it back in the cabinet, "Bringing us a cartier receipt from years prior with jewelry that doesn't have the same identification numbers, doesn't add up. Not to mention it was counterfeit."

"It seems this stuff happens all the time. Why don't you work somewhere else that you enjoy? Maybe even in the restaurant business," Selena says grabbing some plates from the cabinet placing it on the table with utensils.

"Restaurant business?"

"Well, you enjoy cooking as well as working in marketing and management in businesses. What would be better than doing it for restaurants?"

Silas face contorted into one of intense thought as he nodded slowly. He hadn't thought of that. Picking up the pan, he placed it on the pad in the middle of the table and placed the huge spoon next to it. Selena went on grabbing the glasses from the shelf. Picking one from the top, warm breath hit the back of her neck causing her to jerk dropping the cup. The glass shatter on the ground and she immediately jumping back.

"Shit!" Silas cursed and instantly lifted Selena's small frame onto the island counter, "Are you okay?"

Selena cheeks were slightly red, and she nodded quickly. Silas left quickly returning with a broom and dustpan sweeping the mess from the glass, once all picked up, he emptied it in a separate back placing it in the trash can. After putting the broom and dustpan away, Silas made his way back to Selena, eyes trailing for any injury.

"I'm fine Silas... thank you for cleaning the mess."

He nodded slowly, eyes seeming to glaze over as he stepped closer to Selena. The heat from his close proximity had her nervous, she couldn't think but even worse she could never tell what he thinks. His large palm met her cheek and thumb slightly caressed her cheek.

Goosebumps bumbled on her arms at his touch and she shivered softly. It's been years since another man has touch Selena this sensually and with Silas, she couldn't help the way her body reacts. His head seemed to move lower towards her own and her mind was scrambled, all it could think of was him. Silas.

She knew she shouldn't, that it was completely wrong, but she couldn't move away. It seemed as much as she got to know him more, she became more interested in him, more attracted. It was beginning to be something that could only hurt her in the end.

Silas could see the inner turmoil written on her face and knew she was fighting their connection, the desire the two had for one another. He couldn't understand why, they were both two grown adults who wanted one another, what was wrong with that?

So, Silas took a leap of faith, he swooped down and stole a kissed that would forever be engrained in both of their hearts. It was a zing, a shoot of electricity between them in the first meeting of their lips. How they molded together so perfectly, how they fit so perfectly. Selena met the kiss, pushing herself closer and moving against him meeting the equal fever.

Their lips moved against each other in a haste, each wondering why they've never shared on innocent kiss. It was intense, loving, and sensual. The touching of their tongues, the subtle bites of the lip, and pressure of their bodies against one another. It was everything.

Her arms rounded his neck drawing him between her legs as the kiss only grew heated. The desire in their bodies grew for one another as Selena grinded herself against Silas whose arms dropped wrapping around her waist. Silas angled his head getting a better taste of her, the smooth plumpness of her lips and how she felt against him. It was unreal.

The two broke apart slowly meeting each other's hooded eyes as they let out ragged breaths. It only lasted a second before they were launched back to one another in a brutal kiss. It was rough and fast and beyond sexy. The kiss had Selena's head spinning as Silas' lips left hers dropping down to her neck. Her mouthed gaped open as he left hot wet kisses suckling and biting against her.

Selena was so focused in the moment she didn't realize Jacob had come into the driveway until the beeping of his car sounded. She quickly jumped away from Silas, face beet red and body still running on the high he gave. Silas face held a smile and smug grin as he licked his bottom lip staring Selena down.

Jacob entered the house a moment later dropping his keys in the bin before walking in with brown bags filled with drinks.

"Alright, I have different varieties, so no one is allowed to be picky... Why are you so red Ma?" Jacobs asks walking into the two of them on separate sides of the kitchen.

Sitting the bags down on the counter he grabs juice out of one bag, leaving the rest inside.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Selena stammered out, "But now that you're here let's eat!"

Selena grabbed her sons arm ushering out the kitchen before shooting a look to Silas who only smiled her way.

"Never again," Selena mouthed out leaving the kitchen.

Silas simply rolled his eyes yet held a soft smile. All replaying in his mind was how she felt against him, how right it felt to be in her arms. He had to have her once again, he needed to have her again. He couldn't deny the chemistry they had together, the connection they had.

And she wouldn't, no couldn't, deny it either. Silas would make sure of that.


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