Chapter 5. Date Night

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Grant had brought Selena to a wine and paint session, her heart felt so full. Selena had always wanted to attend one but never had the time to make it. This was definitely a message for her. Someone out there was listening. From the moment he picked her up and the 25-minute ride to get to the area, the chat between the two flowed effortlessly.

They spoke about their careers and families, what they liked pertaining to all different things and what they didn't like. It was a go with the flow conversation which Selena enjoyed.

Grant was sweet and funny and driven, everything she looked for in a man. Although it was the first date between the two, Selena knew to be cautious to not get hurt once more. He seemed like a great guy so far, but she still had her guard up.

Grant helped Selena out of the vehicle and the two walked into the building. One of the workers checked their names off before seating them near the from where two canvases and wine glasses were set up. There was a good amount of people already there which made Selena less anxious and a bit excited of what's to come.

"Is this your first time?" Grant asked turning towards her.

"Is it that obvious?" Selena laughed out tucking a curl behind her ear nervously, "Sorry. I always wanted to come but never had the chance."

"No need to be, I was just seeing your reaction. I'm glad I was the first to take you."

And he smiled an earth-shattering smile that caused her heart to thump. A server came around pouring wine into the glasses and let the group know it would begin shortly. The two nodded and Grant held his glass towards Selena.

"A toast... to the beginning of a new relationship!"

"The beginning of a new relationship!"

Selena nodded clinking her glass against his, that she would toast to. The two took a small sip before placing the glasses down.

"So, Grant, what do you like to do outside of work?" Selena asked crossing her legs.

"Well, I do enjoy working out and hiking but believe it or not I'm into the arts. So, doing stuff like this," He stated gesturing to the area were in, "Painting, listening to music, and reading poetry. I enjoy it all."

"I love hiking too. But the trails out here are way too small, I usually travel over to the next state."

"No way I do too, mostly with my brother when he finds the time though."

"Do you have any favorite artists when it comes to art?" Selena asks.

"Too many to just pick one but I think-."

A clap from the front of the room cut off Grant causing the two to face forward at the teacher. A woman stood at the center with a wide smile as the voices around her start hushing down and Grant froze for a moment in his seat. Selena seeing this out the corner of her eye turned to the man.

Grant unfroze and broke contact with the woman looking anywhere but her. The teacher then began explaining how they were going to be drawing a sunset and sat next to her canvas being to lead the group in the first step. Grant and Selena began following along in silence, but one question was plaguing Selena's brain. Did he know her?

Going into more detail they look at the teachers work as the woman got up walking around. She slowly made her way to the two and nodded her head slowly eyes lingering on Grant before walking away.

Selena didn't want to be one of those women, the one to be annoyed or jealous over an old girlfriend. But the lingering stares and subtle freezes between the two was beginning to bother her. This was their first date, but it wasn't feeling right, it wasn't feeling special.

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