Chapter 7. Anya's Truth

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That next morning Jacob and Silas went to the gym leaving the two women alone in the home. Selena was in the kitchen, an hour after the boys left, beginning to cook breakfast so it would be ready by the time they arrived. She also hoped Anya would be awake as well to join them but also give her a chance to speak to the young girl.

Selena understood how important Anya is to Jacob even if the relationship is fairly new. The way he dropped everything for her and the look in his eyes when he carried her into the home, that type of feeling was real. Selena didn't know much about the girl however and that's what made her nervous. Aside from knowing Anya as a toddler.

Anya was a sweet young girl and good friend of Jacob's. As a child she was creative and so smart but also really shy. She would only open up to a handful of people and two being her parents. Anya and Jacob were really good friends up until beginning high school where the distance friendship didn't end up lasting. Yet now here they are.

Soft footsteps sound out into the house coming down the stairs alerting Selena of Anya's presence. The woman, stuffed in a sweater belonging to Jacob made her way towards the kitchen looking wide eyed as she spots Selena. Anya wasn't aware that his mother would be home, she thought it would be just the two. But she was okay.

At least she thought she was, tears brimmed at her eyelids.

Selena watched as the young girl became more emotional and opened her arms. Anya sprinted into Selena's arms crying against the woman who was once a consistent loving figure in her life when she was young. Although time separated Anya from this family it seemed time drew them back together for the better. Anya was especially glad it drew her back to Jacob.

"It's okay Anya, everything's going to be okay."

"I don't think it is," Anya mumbled against her shoulder before leaning back wiping under her eyes, "And thank you for letting me stay the night. I promise I'll be out by tonight."

"There is no rush... I just... I want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk."

Anya was silent for a moment and then shocked Selena with her next sentence.

"I just found out that Grace and Jose, they are not my real parents. They did not adopt, they kidnapped me from my real parents."

Selena was in shock watching the young women and her vision blurring to Anya as a toddler. Replaying visions of speaking with her parents on the playground and Anya hugging the two people she called mom and dad. They had very little physical similarities, but this was never a thought in Selena's mind in a million years.

"How did you find out?" Selena asked pulling the stool for Anya to sit while moving to make her some tea.

"Yesterday morning, the police came to my house asking for my Grace and Jose Monroe. I was confused as to why they were looking for my parents and they told me everything. How my birth mother had given birth to twins and how Grace had been suffering in the hospital after having a stillbirth. How Grace had taken me from the hospital with the help of Jose, moved to another state and got medical procedures in order to hide their identities. All these years my parents and twin brother never stopped searching for me."

Selena handed Anya the finished tea and she nodded in thanks taking a large gulp. Selena could not believe what Grace and Jose had done. In all her years of knowing the parents she never thought the two sweetest people could do something as horrible as that. Selena understood the heartbreak and heartache mothers went through with miscarriages and stillbirths but taking another families child. It was insane.

"I'm so sorry Anya... how are you feeling about all this?"

"Confused," she whispered out, "Lost. Mom- Grace and Jose, it's hard to look at them as my kidnappers and not my parents. They treated me with so much love and care, never any different. It's hard to see them in that light and I just don't know how to feel... But I also want to know my birth family and my brother. Is that bad?"

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