Chapter 16. Truly Happy

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"I thought we said no working," Jacob hummed out walking onto the patio of their hotel room in nothing but his swimming trunk and slides. Anya glanced up to him from her tinted glasses and blushed at the sight.

Jacob worked out a lot, although he wasn't much of a sports person his body fit the description. Wide broad shoulders with clear olive tanned skin, faint outline of his abs shown, and thick legs and arms. Anya didn't work out; she was blessed with the genetics that had kept her body the same. Although she could use more stamina, working out just wasn't her thing.

"I'm just answering an email then I'm done. Besides it sounds exciting!" She had answered back typing out her reply.

Although Anya had a team of individuals who helped with the business, she still enjoyed doing things she had done alone in the beginning. The small things that made up the entire business from packaging, answering emails, hand making the swimwear, and even taking photos for each campaign. It was something she had always loved.

"What is it?"

"An entrepreneur/ project creator wants to host an event in our area of businesses made by people of color. I've heard of her, and this is such a good thing she's creating," Anya sighed out happily sending the email in agreement.

"That's good and an amazing opportunity for you."

"Yeah, it can help get my brand out-," Anya paused as she saw the list of other businesses and a name of her close friends on the list.

"What is it?" He asked noticing her face.

"Oh, just my friend is on here too," Anya trailed off before clicking on her page.

Anya had been friends with Verania for a couple of years. Verania was the photographer for her design line and helped with taking photos of the models and product. She not only took pictures for a living it owned a couple studios in the downtown building and rented them out for people to use. She made good money doing what she does but was very lowkey.

It surprised Anya that she was willing to showcase her work and what she does so publicly.

Clicking onto her page, Anya scrolled over her recently posted pictures, and one caught her eye fairly quickly. It was Selena with a wide smile on her face being embraced by man whose back features were similar to that of Silas. Anya had her suspicions but wasn't sure if they were true. Now it seemed to all come together.

Adding to the long list of Verania's portfolio, sometimes she works alongside other business taking photos for them. From fancy restaurants, wineries, and the occasionally sporting events. She does it all. And judging by the couples in the background, she was photographing a dancing class.

"What are you looking at now?" Jacob asked walking behind Anya.

Anya quickly exited the app closing her phone.

"Nothing anymore, you're right we are on vacation so let's enjoy it," Anya exclaimed picking up her beach bag from beside her and slipping her palm into Jacob's.

Jacob smiled kissing the top of her head walking out of their hotel room and down to the beach.


"I should've known," Selena laughed out as she tied on the apron Silas handed to her.

The one thing they really enjoyed doing together was cooking. Silas, remembering what she truly enjoys doing, had looked into the area beforehand seeking cooking classes they could do together.

Although many weren't what he was expecting, he found a baking class that was making her favorite type of cake. Tres leches. Although, the two of them had already known how to make the cake, this was something to experience together in a different environment.

Silas smiled over at Selena's clueless self-looking around the room. His heart warmed at her smile and warmth radiating from her. He never expected this to happen, for him to fall for her. In the beginning there was this undeniable attraction he had towards her. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out.

Silas figured it was purely physical, that had to be it. They haven't even had sex and yet with all the intimate and lighthearted things they've been doing together he couldn't help. He's fallen for Selena. He loves her.

"Thank you for this Silas," she murmured squeezing his hand as the main baker came in.

He kissed the top of her hand then her head, wanting to whisper he would do anything for her. Instead, just letting out your welcome.

The main baker, a woman by the name of Suzette, began by pointing out the different bowls and utensils in front of us describing what each one is for and how we are going to use them. The room is silent as couples, mothers with their daughters, and even some families nod along with her words. She then moves in front of her table motioning for us all the wash our hands.

"First you will mix the cake flour with baking soda. Then add the measurement of salt as listed on the sheets on the table."

Moving closer to Silas, Selena takes the measuring cup putting the amount she stated inside the bowl. Silas shakes his head giving Selena the same look she gave him. They never measured when cooking, or let's not say never, but rarely. They had learned from their parents how to cook and from a Spanish household Selena rarely ever measure. Just looked at the food and knew exactly how much to put.

"So, I was thinking about what you said," Silas hummed out while mixing the bowl of ingredients together.

"What I said?" Selena repeated a bit confused.

"Weeks ago, about marketing and management when it comes to restaurants. Well, I'm starting to think why not make my own."

Selena thought about it as she watched the handsome man mixing. Silas is intelligent. He has experience in a lot of business settings and knows a thing or two about food, everything he cooks tastes great. I could see it working out for him and me. I would be able to get his food anytime I pleased.

Well, if he were to still be around that is. The thought saddened Selena, him leaving. But she had to put that in the back of her mind and be supportive of his decisions.

"That is amazing Silas. How long have you been thinking about it?"

"For a while, I mean you really inspired me believe it or not."

Selena blushed shaking her head in disbelief if anyone is the inspiring one its him.

"Now!" Suzette chanted, "Take your eggs and separate them from the yolks in a separate bowl. Add sugar to your egg yolks then mix that together."

Selena began separating the eggs as Silas measured out the sugar.

"What I said before she started talking was true. Selena all you do, how helpful you are with everything, Anya's situation and more. It's one of the things I like about you."


He shrugged. "I'm just being honest."

Selena couldn't help leaning up to give him a peck. Silas let out a cheeky smile in return before following along with the instructor's words. Selena as Silas worked together for the next couple of hours. They spoke, they laughed, they tasted the syrup and just had an overall good time.

Selena has undeniably happy in this moment. She recalls the time Jacob had asked her if she was happy and she blurted out that she was. In that moment she had felt more content with her life than anything. But now in this moment, she could finally breathe.

She was spending time with a man she liked, she had nothing to worry about with her son and his girlfriend and didn't have the stresses of her on her shoulders. All was going well. At least in this time now.

So for now she would sit with him, he the slice of cake the chef had already prepared for the class since theirs's wasn't ready and ignored all the negative thoughts that tried to fill her mind. She was happy and wouldn't let anything take that away.


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