Chapter 6. Closer

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Mature Theme & Scene Ahead***

After that evening the relationship between the two seemed to shift and even Jacob has noticed. For the last two weeks, Jacob suffered through an uncomfortable and tense air around his Mom and Silas. He hated the tension and awkward conversation they seemed to have when in a room together, but it seems things have taken a turn for the better. However, after her failed date, Silas had seemingly saved the day for his mom and it made the house more comfortable for him. Jacob was upset it didn't work out for his mom because she deserved the entire world, but he knew good things would definitely come to her soon.

And Jacob would also leave his mother alone, letting her decide when she's ready to date again. As Jacob lounged in the beach chair in the backyard of his home near the pool his eyes continued to dart to his phone. A certain brown-haired woman has been on his mind ever since he came home from college. Anya. She was a friend of his since he was younger but going to different high schools changed the relationship between the two. Once coming back home and running into her after 6 years, so much has changed and yet feelings for her bloomed and burned inside of him. And these newfound feelings Jacob felt were confusing but also exciting.

Jacob is a virgin, by choice. The man really had no desire in becoming that intimate with any woman at all and focused on his future. His mother's story as well as his own goals were far more important and reminders of what he needed. To make his mother proud and prove that he is great despite his past. Yet now, his focal point seemed to have shifted and all his thoughts gravitated towards her. She was different, a good different in a way that made Jacob both excited and scared.

The back screen door sliding causes Jacob's stare on his phone to break watching as a shirtless Silas jumps into the pool. Water splashes everywhere as he dove into the deep underground pool. Jacob shook his head sitting up as Silas resurfaces pushing his hair back.

"Shouldn't you be in the water instead of sitting around? It's a nice day," Silas lets out floating in the pool with his eyes closed.

"I was in for a while..." Jacob draws out looking at his phone again waiting for a text that he knows won't come.

"What's going on?" Silas asks swimming up to Jacob's end.

"What do you mean?"

"The longing looks at your phone and the creases in your forehead, I could tell somethings up. And these last few nights you came by real late," Silas wiggled his brows at the last part causing Jacob to roll his eyes with a laugh.

"Come on, what's up Jake?"

"I can't get her out of my head man. No woman has ever gotten to me like this. Her names Anya. I knew her in elementary and middle school, we were close but faded away. Now she's on my mind all the time without trying..."

Silas hummed nodding his head listening as Jacob poured his heart out about Anya. In all the years Silas has known Jacob, he's never seen this man love struck or even feeling this way about anyone. Good for him was all Silas could think as he listened to him go on about her. Jacob has been so focused on his career and making his mother proud that he hasn't had much time to be young. Young and carefree and fall in love. But it was happening.

The back door opens once again, this time revealing Selena with bottles of lemonade sporting her own swimsuit. Silas turned to the noise along with Jacob and his heart stopped. While Jacob was falling in love, Silas wasn't that far behind. Although it's only been about five weeks of knowing Selena and staying in her home, he began developing something for the woman.

After sharing the intimate kiss on her failed date night, the two grew closer. Sharing dinners together and going out for dinners together when Jacob wasn't home. Working out together and even watching movies from time to time with one another. During these times they shared things about themselves and learned more about one another. Each time inching themselves more into each other's hearts without even knowing it.

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