Chapter 19. Finding Out

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There was a silence as Jacob stood at the door looking at the two. His face was dark and contorted in a menacing look. Selena had never seen him this upset before, but she should've known this was bound to happen. Clutching the sheet to her chest, her cheeks burned red in embarrassment of being caught in bed with Silas.

Jacob's eyes darted from the clothing they were unable to put on in time to the messy room. Putting it all together anger wasn't the only feeling he was having in this moment but all he wanted was Silas gone.

"Pack your shit and get out," Jacob cursed between his teeth as his shoulders began to shake.


Where would Silas even go? He isn't from here and they only have two more weeks before returning back to school. He couldn't just send him off.

"Mom, don't," He snapped crossing his arms never steering his gaze from Silas.

I had never seen Jacob so upset in all his life. He was always such a reserved and quiet child with a limited number of friends he spoke to. With them he was outgoing and spoke a lot, but never did he ever raise his voice.

"J, man I-."

Jacob shook his head pointing out the door,

"I don't want to hear another fucking word from you, get out."

Silas observed Selena for a moment, looking at her with a gaze of longing and something more. He leaned forward kissing her forehead lightly before getting out of bed and walking out of the room. Jacob looked over at his mother with an indescribable look, making her feel worse than she already does.

Selena's lips parted open, but no words came out, what could she say. That she was sorry? That she is the worst mother in the world? Nothing would be able to fix what just happened and nothing would be able to justify it.

"Jacob I-."

Selena catches his blank face stopping herself before looking down at the sheets.

"Why mom?" Jacob asked his voice rising, "Why would you do that?"

"I didn't mean for this to happen...I..."

Scoffing out, he sauntered out of her room leaving Selena to herself and thoughts of how she screwed everything up.


Kelsey is Selena's closest friend and has been since elementary school. She was the one person who has always been there for her besides her family. When she's going through anything, she would always go to her for advice and guidance. She was there for her ups and downs, her pregnancy, trauma, and was more like family to her.

Not long after what happened this morning, Selena texted Kelsey saying I needed her. And she dropped her plans for her best friend knowing she needed her.

The two met at their favorite diner and after giving out orders, Selena told her everything. From meeting him that first day to the initial attraction, to the ignoring, to the developing relationship, and the getaway. She told her it all.

"I just feel like the worst mom in the world," Selena mumbled out picking her head up from the table as the waitress places their beverages down, "As soon as I seen him, I told myself nothing can or will happen, yet it did."

They both whisper a thank you as Kelsey grabs her hand giving it a squeeze.

"You are not the worst mom Selena. Sure, you have made mistakes, every mom has, it just makes you human."

"The worst part is I loved it Kels, my body was on fire and my heart felt so full. He treated me so well and was so sweet."

"Do you love him?"

"I've only known him for two months, there's still a lot I don't know. But maybe one day I will. All I know is I'm beyond attracted to him and we clicked so well but can never be with him," I sigh sipping onto my hot cocoa, "My son is the number one person in my life and I messed things up for him. Like his friend, god, I'm so stupid."

Lifting up the tea, she takes a long sip before her face crumpled up.

"Are you okay Kelsey?"

She loves the house brewed green tea and gets it every time she comes here. Yet today, it didn't seem as if she enjoyed it.

"Yes, it's probably the baby."

Oh yeah, sometimes taste buds change when-wait.

"Oh my gosh, you're pregnant?!" Selena exclaimed breaking out into a smile.

Kelsey nods a small smile etching onto her face as Selena goes to her side of the booth hugging her tightly. She couldn't believe it; her best friend is having a baby!

"I'm so happy for you and Harry! Ugh, this is so exciting!"

Letting go, Selena slide back into her side of the booth.

"Thank you!" She cheers smiling as she rubs her stomach, "The timing is just perfect for us and I know how much Harry has been wanting to be a father. And were both still young enough to do fun things with the kids, I mean I'm only 33 and he's 34."

Shaking her head, she sighs out happily. The waitress appears with their plates setting them down onto the table. They began eating, talking here and there about the pregnancy and how she's preparing. For years she has been wanting to have children, but it hasn't been working out for them. Now their miracle baby is coming, and Selena couldn't be anymore happier for her.

Selena can't wait to have more children one day, maybe even with... No. Whatever that was between Silas and her is over. She can't let what they did get in between her relationship with her son. Sighing out, Selena dropped her fork down feeling full of the food and the thoughts weighing her down.

Kelsey, noticing Sel's stance, grasped her hand squeezing it.

"Selena, you guys will get through this, just talk with Jake. It may take him a while to forgive you but honesty is the best thing you can do for him now. Tell him exactly what you told me, the pg version, and he might be able to understand where you're coming from."

"I can try."

Selena never wanted to hurt her son, she couldn't have even predicted this would happen when she first met him yet all she can do know is come clean about it all and just hope this wouldn't change everything.


Surprise ! Another Chapter is out and possibly one or two more chapters before the epilogue!

Any ideas on what may happen next or what you would like to see in the epilogue?

Comment below!

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