Chapter 10. Anthony Lawrence

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Selena couldn't believe it. She had only seen him on the news channel once and now he sat here physically in front of her. Anthony Lawrence, Anya's brother. From the heart shaped face and similar bone structure, to the nose and skin tone. They were both beautiful and looked exactly alike.

"Mr. Lawrence-."

"Anthony is fine," he blurted out, casting a look away as a faint blush rises to his cheeks.

For the past couple weeks, he's been trying to work up the courage to reach out to Anya and speak with her, but he was afraid. After going out one night with his friends and spotting the two together, he just knew she could help. After asking his parents' PI for information on the woman he managed to track down Selena's job and from there get an appointment. It was hard but he had to try.

"Okay... Anthony. What is it that you are doing here?" Selena asked leaning across her desk glancing at the young man who seemed anxious.

"It's about Anya. With all that is going on now I-I just want to speak with her. I would hate the first time we actually meet to be in a court room. I was hoping... you could persuade her to speak with me?"

"I don't know," Selena responded hesitantly, "Anya is going through a lot emotionally and I don't know she'll feel about meeting with you so soon..."

"Please... I will understand if she can't just yet but I'm willing to try and at least reach out, so she knows she isn't alone," Anthony stated reaching into his pocket.

Pulling out a slim piece of paper he left it on Selena's desk. Grasping the small sheet, Selena opened it revealing Anthony's phone number and she placed it back down.

"I will be leaving now but thank you for hearing me out," Anthony began redressing in his attire and made his way to the door.

"Goodbye Selena."

As the door shut with a click Selena slumped back into her seat. So that was Anthony Lawrence. The news only showed some visuals of his appearance and he never spoke on air about the case. The only thing heard from the man was telling the camera men to politely move out of the way. Seeing him now Selena didn't know how to feel but she knew she had to make Anya aware of what just happened.

But first Nixon.

Picking up her office phone she quickly dialed her boss's number. Nixon was a great boss and friend. Although he was a couple years younger than her and married, they both got along well.

"Hello, Nixon Delgado speaking."

"Hi Nixon, it's Selena, are you in the office today?"

"Yes, I am. Is there something I can help you with?"

"I would like to speak with you in person more about it, can we meet for lunch?"

"Of course, I'll meet you in the lobby and we can carpool there."

Selena quickly agreed and the two hung up. She then dialed Anya's cell.

"Hi Selena, everything okay?" Anya asked in a worried tone. She knew Selena was calling her during work hours and she never would have unless something has happened.

"Everything's fine, it's just I had an unexpected guest come in today."

Anya was silent for a moment.

"Was it my birth parents?" Anya asked hesitantly.

"No, it was Anthony."

Anya didn't know how to react to that. She hadn't heard from her birth family at all during what has been going on and she hasn't reached out either. Anya wasn't sure what to say or how to act or even how to feel. Now hearing her brother had met with Selena she was mixed with a jumble of emotions.

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