Chapter 8. Long day

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Selena and Silas had agreed on a date location for this Friday evening. They would go a state over into the city away from any prying eyes for alone time and separate cars for the added measure. Silas wasn't happy taking another car but had dealt with it in order to spend quality time with Selena. As the days went by quickly, following in a similar routine as weeks before along with an extra member to the household the two managed to keep their hands to themselves.

Although they were careful around Jacob, they had to become even more so around Anya. Sometimes Silas would wake up just a bit earlier to give Selena the smallest of kisses on her forehead or even her lips to which she gladly responded too. The two were growing closer and it was scaring Selena just how much she liked him.

She didn't like him because he was handsome and set her body a flame, although it added to his charm. Selena liked him for all the little and big things. Listening when she talked about her day or things she enjoyed, cheering on her accomplishments big or small, and even being that one person she can say anything to without fear of looking at her differently. And it all happened in just a couple of weeks.

He managed to wiggle his way into her life and heart. It was new, exciting, and also quite frightening.

Selena leaned back at her desk in her office looking out the window. She had one more client to meet with in about 30 minutes then she was all set to go home. Today's been too long of a day with new clients being transferred to her as well as having to meet with the detective during her lunch break.

Anya had made Selena aware that the detectives that were investigating what Grace and Jose have done over the years had wanted to meet those they were acquainted with over the time. Selena was one of them. They had questioned her on how they met, if they displayed any suspicious behavior, and how they treated Anya. Selena told the truth and as much as she could remember from all those years ago. This left her to not only feeling exhausted but hungry for missing her entire lunch.

Her stomach rumbled as she tore her glance from the large windows downwards. Maybe there was a snack in the break room. Turning off her monitor, she grabbed her key card and rose making her way down the stairs to the room. After getting off the lift, she turned to the right opening the door to the room. The news was playing on the television in the corner as two other employees sat at the table eating lunch.

Selena greeted them with a smile as she began searching the cabinets for a snack. All that could be found was plastic cutlery and plates along with cups. Opening the fridge door, she spotted the packs of Oui yogurt Nixon always brings in for the employees. She could always count on him!

As she picked out a flavor and took a spoon, Selena begins making her way to the door when a name said on the tv stops her in place.

"21 years ago, a child was taken as an infant and the parents were left devasted. That child is Anya Moore, or better known as her birth name Anastasia Lawrence. Law enforcement officials have arrested Grace and Jose Moore on account for kidnapping and fraud. The court hearing will be held this Friday to determine more on the case," The reporter announced standing a distance from Anya's childhood waving her arms at the scene.

Oh no.

Quickening her pace to the office, Selena let herself in with the key placing the yogurt down and pick up the work phone dialing Anya's number. After a couple of rings, Anya picks up with sniffles and a low greeting.

"Anya, are you okay? I just seen a small clip..."

That's when she starts sobbing and Selena knew exactly what she needs to do. Selena whispered that she would see Anya soon into the phone and began packing my things to leave for the day. Walking out of her office, she let the receptionist know to reschedule her last client and to tell Nixon she has a family emergency. Mrs. Colby nods and rushes Selena along.

Selena drives as safely as she can to her home knowing Anya needs someone. The family she thought was her own is currently in jail, Jacob didn't have his phone on while on the internship unless it was lunch, and Anya's best friend was out the country doing study abroad. Anya's blood family she didn't know just yet and she didn't have anyone else. But she did have Selena. And Selena would be there.

Pulling into the driveway, she unlocks the front door and spots Anya on the couch with the news displaying images of her as a child growing older. Tossing her items on the other lounge chair, Selena sat beside her pulling Anya into her arms as tears welled up once again. Selena caressed her head letting her have it all out as her eyes landed on the news. Reporters surrounded not only her childhood home, but one clip displayed of her birth family leaving the station attempting to cover their faces.

There was no more privacy. They discussed Anya's swimwear business and even tried getting the families to talk. It was insane. Picking up the remote, Selena changes the channel to a more lighthearted and funny film. Hopefully this will keep Anya's mind off things, but Selena knew it wouldn't.

"I thought I could be stronger than this and handle this, but it feels like everything is spiraling out of control," Anya mumbled out before sitting up and rubbing her eyes, "Friends and even those I don't know keep trying to message me checking in to see if I'm okay. More news keeps getting released on my own life and business. Negative comments on Grace and Jose and being displayed more and more. I can't seem to go anywhere without it following..."


"I even tried going to the grocery store this morning to get some things for you because you've been the greatest support right now and I don't want you to worry. As I was leaving reporters hounded me and I wasn't able to leave until the police arrived and escorted me here."

"And the worst part is," Anya continued, "I have to see them all this Friday. I have to hear this all and more things I may not even know. The hearing...I'm scared."

"Anya you are strong and brave. I know it's scary dealing with all of this, but you are not alone. I'm here for you, Jacobs here for you, and we will do anything to help you. Your family and we love you," Selena said drawing her into a tight hug.

"You will be there, right? I need you there."

"If they will allow then I will be there."

"Thank you, Selena."


After their talk together, Selena took Anya out for something to eat where she wouldn't be bothered and help her to relax. Something to get her mind off of all the crazy going on right now. The hearing was in 6 days and as scary as this was for Anya, she needed to be calm, levelheaded, and strong. Anya couldn't break down.

The two ate and talked about anything other than the case, they sat in the restaurant till the sky turned dark and that's when they finally went home and turned on their cellphones. Jacob's name was a constant on both their devices while Selena had gotten some messages as well from Silas. Anya was quick to go into the home and tend to Jacob's worries. Selena sends him a quick text and lean back against the chair in the car closing my eyes.

This day has been long.

The car door opens again, and Selena thinks it must be Any, she must've left her bag. However, when she feels a soft brush of lips against her head her eyes open. As the light dims to darkness in the car, she can see the outline of Silas from the lights outside of the home. She gives him a small smile and reaches her hand for his. He engulfs his into hers lifting it for a brief kiss as he watches her tired form.

"Long day?" He asks softly.

"You have no idea. I had 6 clients before lunch and had found out one of my clients' sons passed away, he was six. I then had to meet with the detective about Anya and the news report came out right after. It was just a lot today," Selena let out all at once, "I'm happy I was able to be helpful for Anya but I'm exhausted."

Silas listened intently rubbing Anya's hand. He wanted to ease her worries and exhaustion. She worked too hard for her own good, not only has she had barely anytime off from work but the situation with Anya is certainly one that was going to cause her worry.

"Tell you what, I'll draw us a bath and give you a massage. To help you relax and ease that worry out of you. You're amazing at what you do and how much you are helping Anya, but you need some time to relax," He stated, "Jacob wants to take her somewhere, so it'll just be us two."

"As long as you join me, I like the sound of that," Selena whispers giving Silas the smallest of kisses.

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