Chapter 11. Anya Meets Anthony

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Sitting in the passenger seat of the car Anya's nerves ate at her stomach as she stared at the restaurant. She had taken the number from Selena and texted Anthony agreeing to meet with him. It was now Wednesday evening and she had decided to go to dinner and at least talk with him. She had so many questions.

What happened all those years ago? What are her birth parents like? What was he like?

These questions were all swirled in her mind.

Jacob sensing the feelings coursing through Anya grasped her palm into his hand kissing the top of it. Anya was grateful he was by her side in this. He had offered to join her if she felt uncomfortable, but Anya declined. She wanted to do this on her own.

Instead, she opted for him to be close by in case she needed him, eating at a further table in the restaurant or nearby. Jacob chose to stay further away in the same restaurant, after all she's gone through being close to her gave him a sense of security and made him less anxious. Although they had only rekindled their relationship during the time, he's been home, Jacob couldn't imagine not being with Anya.

She was his first love and only love. Yet he was too nervous to admit it. And now wasn't the time to do so.

"Okay... Okay I can do this!" Anya affirmed drawing her hand back from his and unclicking her belt.

"Of course, you can and whenever you want to leave just let me know," Jacob uttered removing his seatbelt joining her walk into the restaurant.


Sitting at the table alone she locked eyes with Jacob from across the room and gave him a nod. She had come earlier than the time Anthony had agreed to meet to give her time to process and prepare. Anya wasn't sure what to expect from the man known as her twin brother. She had only seen so much of him on the news and didn't bother to look up anything on him wanting to hear it directly from him.

The waiter had come by asking if she was ready to order anything, but she simply asked for a glass of water. As five minutes gone by in the blink of an eye, a server walked towards her table and behind him stood Anthony. Seeing him in person was so much different than the television.

He looked exactly like her. Anya and Anthony shared the same freckles, bone structure, skin tone, and nose. Although he was taller by 5 inches, they looked similar. Anya stood as the server directed him to the table before leaving right after. Was she supposed to shake his hand? Hug him?

Anthony was at odds too. Although waiting so long to meet his sister he wasn't sure what to do or even say. Sure he had wanted to know more about her and had questions of his own but he didn't want to be overbearing.

"Hi Anya, it's nice to finally meet you," Anthony managed to let out with a casual smile.

"Me too Anthony," she stated soon after, "At first I was a bit nervous to accept the invitation but Im glad."

They both had sat down immediately after to which the waiter came back once more. After both ordering a drink, they began chatting with one another. Simple questions of what one another likes and dislikes, questions most brothers and sisters knew about one another. Answering about schooling and their careers, it was a weight lifted off both of them.

The conversation never felt forced but natural, everything between them felt natural. Talking to one another about themselves or their lives without answering the big question as of yet. Anya and Anthony enjoyed it; they had also seen huge similarities between the two.

While Anya owned a swimwear business, Anthony was an entrepreneur as well. Not only does he have a business selling accessories including hats and sunglasses, but he is also in the works of a new technology company. They were both driven, hardworking, and small business owners trying to make it on their own.

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