Chapter 9. Stranger

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"So where did those two go anyway?" Selena asked in the dimly lit bathroom leaned against Silas' giant form.

After the two's small chat in the car, they made their way inside passing Anya and Jacob on their way out. Silas had prepared a warm bath with soothing moisturizing oils mixed with salts. Selena had stripped from her clothing the minute she stepped into her private bathroom and Silas followed in suit. Now the two laid together in peace.

"Not sure but I know he wanted time alone with her due to everything going on," Silas whispered into her ear caressing her thighs underneath the water.

Leaning into his touch, Selena melted against him in comfort and at peace throughout the silence. It was a comfortable silence, the two just being close and together. Her hand entwined with one of his hands while the other floated in the warm water.

"Silas... about Friday..."

"It's okay, I understand," He announces kissing the top of Selena's head.

"I do want to spend more time with you, away from all of this. Believe me."

"I do Selena, and I understand now it's just a lot going on. Don't worry. And I'm here for you."

Selena smiled softly turning in his arms. His palm slides are her waist as she straddles him in the water. As her palms cup the sides of his face the two come together as if magnets. Her lips are soft and smooth against his own. Skimming and lingering passionately as his arms tighten around her. Her breasts pressed up against his smooth chest as warmth ignited between the two. Kissing Silas was nothing like she ever experienced before. She could never be sick of it.

It scared Selena, just how quickly she had fallen for Silas and how easily he had slipped his way into her mind and heart. In the beginning all she could think of was distancing from him for her sake and Jacob's but now... she couldn't. He made her feel so many different emotions and was so present when she needed him. She felt so much younger and free with him, and herself.

Silas couldn't help but feel the same for Selena. She never treated him any differently based on his age or being friends with Jacob. She was inspiring, she always managed to put him in check or bring him back to reality when he needed it, and so beautiful. The two of the had gotten so close and personal so fast. At first Silas was beyond attracted to her but now it wasn't just her looks but her. Selena's intelligence, kindness, and drive had Silas' heart pumping. Everything about her did.

What the two were most scared of however, was what would happen in the end? Sure, they were attracted and falling for one another, but could it go any deeper? And what would happen with Jacob?

Though the two left those thoughts in the back of their mind and instead relished in the time they have with one another. Lips skimming against one another and bodies moving in sync. As Silas pulled back from her lips the eyes of the two locked eyes with an unknown look crossing through them. He closed the space between them kissing Selena differently from before it was slower, deeper, and filled her stomach with more than just butterflies. Her clutch onto him tightened and she knew there she couldn't let go of him.


That next morning everything seemed relatively calm. Silas had woken early to make breakfast as usual for the rest of the house. Selena had eaten alongside him before heading off to work and Jacob soon joined the two for early breakfast. Jacob had gotten a personal day off from his internship for family matters to be beside Anya and although Selena wished she could, she had work to catch up on.

5 days. In 5 days, the trial would be held, Selena thought as she typed her notes into the desktop in her office.

Anya had sent her a text stating she was allowed entry at the trial, so she had to make Nixon aware of Friday. After her next client she would have to call him and let him know. She would also have to extend her hours instead of leaving at 3pm to leave at 5pm to keep up with the work. This was going to be a long week.

Selena only prayed everything would go well and things would get better for Anya.

Ms. Aguilar your next client is here early, would you like me to send him in? – Mrs. Colby paged.

Yes please, send him in – Selena replied back setting up her notepad and paper.

A knock sounded on the door before a young man waltzed in with a baseball cap, dark shades, and an oversized coat. Selena sat up straighter a confused expression sat on her face for a brief moment before transforming back to neutral. This must be a new client.

As the man made himself comfortable in seat in front of my desk, he began removing his coat. Soon his glasses and the baseball cap leaving a gasp to escape Selena's mouth.

"Hello Selena Aguilar, I'm Anthony Lawrence. Anya's brother."


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