Chapter 20. Her Happiness

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Throwing her keys into the bowl by the door, Selena places her coat and handbag on the hook. Talking with Kelsey always seemed to make her feel better and give her better insight in any situation. At the end of the day, she just needed to speak to Jacob. Turning, Selena jumped in place startled at Jacobs quiet form seated on the couch.

"Hey Jake, I didn't realize you were home," Selena managed to say walking over to where he's seated on the couch.

Sitting beside him, she watched his gaze never leave the floor as he scoots closer laying his head on her shoulder. Selena's heart felt like it was going to burst with all that anxiety she was feeling now slipping away. Throwing her arms around him, she dropped her chin on his head softly.

"I'm sorry Jacob, I really am."

"Why Silas?" He asked wringing his hands together.

"I don't know," Selena responded truthfully, "At first, I admit I was attracted to him, physically, but then he made me feel good and treated me in a way I have never been treated by any man I've been out with or met. He was just different. He didn't treat me like a piece of glass or a tool, and that's how I had felt for a long time."

"It doesn't excuse anything that I have done. I want you to know that I had never meant to hurt you or for things to get as far as they did. After we began getting along and getting to know more about each other, I think I began just seeing him as a regular man, not your friend and that's where I made the mistake I guess."

He was quiet for a moment.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Mom; I was just upset because..." He trailed off before lifting his head off her shoulder, "I have a couple of close friends and growing up it was hard to make friends. In middle school people teased me for having a young mom and in high school guys would make inappropriate comments about you when they had come to our house. I know they were immature and didn't understand our situation, but it made me feel so alone."

"I don't know," He continued stopping his moving hands, "Maybe I thought Silas wasn't really friend, just the same guys I had grown up with wanting my mom. I felt betrayed."

Selena didn't know what to say after his words. She knew it was hard making friends, but she had never known why. She just thought it was because of his shyness not children being bullies. Her heart ached for Jacob in his young days feeling alone, she wished he would've said something.

"Well, I can't take away what has happened in the past, but I want you to know that I'm sorry that has happened to you."

Standing, he walked into the kitchen swiftly before coming back with his phone. Sitting beside her, he unlocked his phone, showing her messages Silas had written to him. Selena's eyes skimmed his apology messaged before one word boldly jumps out to me.

"He said he is in love with you..." He whispered out before pocketing the cell, "Do you feel the same way?"

Her mind drifts to the rare nights Jacob would go out during the evening leaving her in the company of Silas. The nights where they would watch the sunset and talk about themselves (at a distance) or watch movies with pizza or even baking treats listening to 90s music. In those moments where she felt young, not like the mother that she had been since she was 14.

The moments where she felt wanted, beautiful, and pure. After Selena had given birth, she was in a place where she felt unclean, uncomfortable, and felt the need to grow up quicker. There was no high school fun, no prom, no boyfriends, no slumber parties, or anything a "regular" teen would indulge in.

Yet, those rare nights spent with him meant the world to her. The getaway was everything to her. Was she falling for him? It made her think back to the lunch with Kelsey and her asking if she loved him. Although Selena had said no, it now makes her realize. She is falling for him, deeply.

"Yes, I am."

Something shifted in Jacob's stare, his eyes softening on his mother before casting his arms around her. Confused, Selena embraced him as his hold tightened on her.

For a long time, all Jacob wanted was happiness for his mother. She didn't disclose a lot of what happened as she grew up with him but he knew it was difficult and often impacted her now. Yet hearing the way she speaks about her experience and the light in her eyes when talking about Silas softened his heart.

He couldn't get in the way of this, of something he knows his mother has been looking for, for so long. But he had to speak to Silas first, he needed to know he was on the same page as Selena.

"I want to speak with him first, then the both of you," He replied leaning back to gaze at her, "If you two are really falling for one another then I can't stand in the way. And mom I just want to see you happy and if that's with Silas then I'm okay with it."

It would take Jacob a while to get used to the idea of his best friend with his mom but her happiness meant everything to him. And he would be sure to make that happen.


One more chapter before the epilogue!!! Can't believe my first book is coming to the end. Bitter sweet feeling yet I can't believe I was able to go all the way through no matter how difficult. Although its in need of some serious editing and changes, that will be conducted later on, I'm glad it is wrapped up.

Let me know thoughts and suggestions, also what you think will happen next?

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