Chapter 12. The Hearing

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The next few days flew by quickly and it was now Friday. Throughout the week Selena's hours extended to get more work completed, Jacob was back to his internship, and Silas was back to work as usual. The household stuck into the same routine for the days leading up to the hearing. Now this morning things were tense and slow.

Although Silas would not be attending, he had woken up early with the rest of the house cooking breakfast for them all. Anya was quiet the entire morning and even during breakfast. They all understood and were there in case she would need anything. As Anya left the table along with Jacob to get dressed for court, Silas slid up behind Selena's figure washing dishes.

Selena was nervous and mind racing of all the things that could happen in the court room. This would also be the first time she has Grace and Jose in a long time. This would also be her first time seeing them in a whole new light. The whole ordeal was so crazy to imagine.

As Silas's arms circled around her, she felt more at ease, leaning her head back against him she continued on with the dishes. His fingers caressed her sides slowly just being present and there for her. It always seemed like Silas knew exactly what she needed.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay," He whispered into her ear as she placed the plates on the rack to dry.

"I'm trying to be more positive and a support for her. It's just something I've never experienced, it's so out of my element. I mean sure I speak with clients all the time about things they're going through but never anything like this," Selena sighs out moving from his arms as she finished washing.

Picking up a towel she dried her hands off with her eyes locked on the floor. Silas walked over to the small women taking the towel from her hands and putting her palms into his. As Selena's head rose to look at his face, Silas pulled her close meeting with her lips for a brief moment. Selena was instantly lost in the kiss and him, her worry seemed to melt away.

As he leaned back, he smoothed his finger over her forehead before leaving a kiss there. Selena's lips pulled into a smile as she opened her eyes locking with his.

"You can handle this, and you will be a support for her. You got this!"

"Thank you..."

After the two finished talking a little more and cleaning the kitchen they both got ready for the day. Selena in her more professional attire while Silas dressed more casual in his work attire. Silas left earlier than the rest of the house wishing them luck and messaging Selena to call him if anything.

Anya had left soon after on her own to the courthouse leaving Selena and Jacob to drive together. The car ride was silent the whole ride there. It wasn't awkward, there was an unspoken agreement of words not needing to be exchanged. The two were prepared for anything and to be there for her.

As they pulled into the lot and began walking into the building, Jacob took his mother's hand in his squeezing it. She squeezed back leaving a small kiss on his forehead. Everything will be okay.


"In the case of Grace and Jose Moore vs. the state we find the defendant Grace and Jose guilty of kidnapping and fraud. They will be charged with 21 years in prison with possibility of parole. This case is dismissed."

Grace and Jose were silent as the officers took them into custody, they had tears streaming down there faces but didn't bother to look anywhere but the cuffs. Anya's heart wrenched looking at the people she called family for 21 years, the people who also lied to her and wouldn't look her in the eye anymore. She couldn't believe it; she doesn't think she ever will either.

When the hearing started Anya had thought they were just getting the facts together and story from both sides, yet as it went on it was clear. They were going to get charged and she wasn't going to enjoy hearing it at all. Grace and Jose spilled everything, what they did and why they did it. They stated what cosmetic procedures they had gotten and how they had dodged every possibility of Anya being found.

But what was most gut wrenching to hear most of all, especially from her birth parents was that they would do it again in a heartbeat. They had loved Anya and would do anything for her, they never treated her badly and loved her with every part of their being. Anya wished she hadn't been in the room to hear about it, but she was.

It made everything that happened growing up make so much sense. But what made it even worse was seeing her birth family's reaction to their words, seeing Anthony's reaction. All this time they had searched for her, and Grace and Jose evaded everything just to keep her. And now, they were going to prison for all the years Anya have been away from her birth family.

As soon as the judge dismissed the case, Anya felt a weight lift but also a heavier one lay on her shoulders. Sensing her mood, Jacob made his way to her taking her out of the courtroom. The two of them left in a hurt ignoring the reporters shout of questions, Jacob knew she needed to get out of there and fast. Anthony stayed behind, understanding she needed to be alone, speaking with his parents for a moment before catching Selena out the corner of his eye. Excusing himself he walked over to the woman, who stood up quickly.

"Selena, hi. I just wanted to say thank you," Anthony mumbled under his breath with a little blush.

"Thank you for what?" Selena asked confused.

"For speaking to Anya about me and giving us the chance to meet. I know you had said it may not be what she needed at the time but I'm glad I had the chance."

"Well, she wanted to meet you too, it was her choice after all," Selena said picking up her bag as the two walked out of the courthouse together.

Walking down the steps she noticed the camera's still outside snapping photos, just as they were when she arrived, and Anya's car missing along with Jacob. The two must have left in a hurry. Anthony walked Selena to her car, like the gentlemen that his is, making sure the reporters didn't bother her. As they drew closer however Selena could feel a question rising from him.

"What is it that you want to ask Anthony?" Selena asked unlocking the door.

"Well, my parents want to meet her, and I know it may take a while for her to get to that place so I want you to give her this," He stated handing a small card and an envelope to Selena, "If she decides to meet them, she can, that is from them to give to her."

Selena nods her head in agreement and thanks him as he jogs back to meet with his parents. Sliding back into her car, she leans back in a sigh letting out the anxiety out. It was over, at least for the most part. Pulling the phone from her bag, she unlocked it sending a quick message to Silas then Jacob then Anya before driving on back home. It's been a long day.

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