Chapter 14. The Hike

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"Silas... wait! Oh fuck...," Selena moaned out locking her eyes to Silas's fast form above her.

Turning he holds her wrist in his palm never straining his gaze, "Come on Mi Vida, get there..."

Sweat bets down Selena's forehead as she pushes herself up with the help of Silas onto the large stone. The two had managed to find time to go on the cliff walk together and although Selena was experienced, she had never taken the hiker's route. Silas had convinced her to try something new and fun. She just didn't realize how much work it would be, more so than the gym.

Silas was able to climb and hike up the higher ground with no delay while Selena took extra effort in doing so. Stepping up beside him, wide smile sits on his lips before they descend on her forehead.

"You did it, mi amor!"

"Ugh I can't believe I said I would do this with you," Selena huffed with a small smile before walking faster beside him uphill.

"We'll look we tried something new, together at that," Silas smirked walking up the trail taking a swig of water, "Next time I promise we will do the other route."

Selena held up her pinky which amused Silas, but he couldn't help wrapping his around hers. They both kiss their fingers before letting go and making their way up the trail. These past few days have been utter bliss, Jacob has been out since the end of the trial leaving Selena alone with Silas. These past days they have truly gotten to know each other more deeply and each falling harder for one another.

It made Selena somewhat nervous as she stared and the man climbing in front of her. At first, she didn't mind having fun and being in the company of him, but it was only getting more serious from there. And in such little time too.

"Come on!" Silas shouted out to the dazed woman from the top of the hill, "Come see this view!"

Gaining more energy, Selena trudged uphill despite her aching tired body. Finally arriving beside him, her hands sat on her knees as she breathed out and Silas rubbed her back handing her a bottle of water. Thanking him under her breath she took a large gulp of the water before capping it standing straight.

"So, what was it you wanted me to see," Selena said clearing her throat.

With a smile Silas held her shoulder turning her around to the view of the area with the oceanside cliff view below. The waters glistening under the sunlight and the green of the trees vivid. The flowers moved softly of the wind and the bright colors can be seen from miles away. It was breathtaking.

"It's so beautiful," Selena whispered out.

Turning Selena had caught Silas looking at her and a blush rose to her cheeks, taking her hand in his he drove her closer to his sweaty form. Her body was warm, she felt light and happy in this particular moment although couldn't explain why.

Silas couldn't help just watching her as she looked at the beauty of the hill tops, something inside of him stirred at the look in her eye and his heart skipped a beat. Sure, in the beginning it was pure attraction, solely physical with her. Yet over the short span of time, he's grown to care for her, fall for her. This wasn't supposed to happen.

He was just supposed to spend break with a close friend and work until graduating in the spring, but now it seems things changed. Although, he wouldn't change that for anything. He had finally met someone who understands him, someone who excites, and someone who he relates with so well.

As she was held tightly in his arms, Silas dropped a kiss to her lips moving slowly as she matched his speed. He wished he could stay in this moment forever with her, but they had to get back to reality. At least they would spend more time together, the entire week to their disposal.

Silas smiled inwardly just thinking about it.

"So now that you've made it to the top of the hill how do you feel?" Silas asked as the two made their way down from the ten-minute view of the landscape.

"Like this was a first but also last time doing this," Selena laughed out holding onto the bottle of water as they walked down, side by side, "My dad would love this though, we've always done the walking path never the hiking."

"Oh yeah you said he's a big fitness guy, and how old..." Silas trailed off not meaning to ask.

"You know it isn't polite to ask someone's age," Selena mused before squealing at his pinch to her side, "Silas!"

He laughed as she shook her head, "I know what you mean though, he's sixty although doesn't look like it at all."

"So, kind of like you."

Selena glances at him.

"Your 34 yet look the same age as me, probably even younger."

"Way to flatter a woman," she laughed the soft laugh Silas enjoyed hearing.

"I have other ways I can flatter a woman..."

The two glances at each other before bursting out laughing and walking back down the original path taken. Getting down the stones, the sweaty couple managed to make their way to the vehicle chatting about the upcoming trip. An older couple seated on the bench watch their antics with a smile as the two stretched before heading in the vehicle.

Glancing at one another they smiled at the blooming love of two strangers, remembering when they were that young. The two sat watching the sky, holding hands and hoping for something beautiful to form between the two as the car drove away.


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