Chapter 15. Dance with Me

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Packing the rest of her clothing in a small suitcase, Selena sits on it attempting to close it all the way. Turns out she wouldn't need a story for why she would be going away for the week, Jacob said he would be as well. Anya had an overly stressful couple weeks so the two are leaving the suburbs to a sunny beachside resort miles from here. Silas was also able to get in a break from work, everything seemed to be working in their favor.

Tonight, they were going to drive over the state into a new city and stay there for the week, Selena was not only glad for the time away but to be with him. Selena seemed to long forget about her goals, of her wanting that life with a husband and children and instead focused on the present, being happy with what she has. Just being present and everything that would come with it.

Zipping the suitcase closed, she placed it on the floor rolling it into the hall looking down at Silas's door cracked open. Selena watched as he walked back and forth packing items in his suitcase, walking to his door she opens it when another woman's voice echo's in the room. Her eyes lock onto his phone where an older woman who looks very similar to Silas is on the video call. The woman's eyes dart to Selena as she immediately leaves the room.

"Silas! Did I just see a woman behind you?!" His mother shouted into the phone.

"I'll talk to you later, Mom," Silas rushed out.

"Silas!" She yelled once more before getting cut off by her son ending the phone call.

Shit, shit, that was no supposed to happen Selena thought as she leaned her head against the wall.

"Selena..." Silas called out into the hall poking his head out of the door.

Turning his head, he noticed her leaned against the wall with her palms over her face. Shaking his head, he came out of the room and leaned beside her against the wall. Feeling his presence beside her she rested her head onto his arm.

"Selena it's okay," Silas whispered kissing the top of her head.

"But Silas we-."

"It's not something we need to talk or worry about, okay?" He stated turning Selena's body to face him as she dropped her hands, "My mom will forget about it anyways."

Her chest felt tight at his words, what did he mean that we didn't need worry about? Did he not want his mother to know about her, was he embarrassed of her? His tone of voice confused her. Selena's mind swarmed with what his words could've mean but when he tilted her head up to his, those thoughts faded away; she could only focus on him.

"We're taking this relaxing break and we are not going to worry about anyone or anything, repeat after me."

Selena shook her head with a laugh repeating the same words as him. Silas grinned before pulling her into a searing kiss which left her with wobbly knees. Silas loved seeing the effect he had on her, the way her cheeks would redden with heat and how she melted into his body. Just being around her made his heart thump. This time away would just be spent together, no worries.

"Now let's get all of our stuff in the car and head out."

"Okay," Selena shook her head then nodded, "Okay, yes, sounds good."


"Ouch," Selena winced as Silas managed to step on her foot yet again.

"Shit, sorry mi Vida," Silas rushed out with an apologetic expression as they put some distance between themselves to clasping hands.

Once arriving at the hotel, the two manage to disinfect the room before putting their clothing out and getting ready for the week together. They had planned simple relation days and outings and Selena was beyond excited. Especially since tonight was her night.

When Silas has told Selena he wasn't that good at dancing she didn't think anything of it. Seeing as the city they are traveling to had class on salsa dancing, she thought it would be fun to go with him. And sure, so far it was fun, she just didn't realize that Silas had two left feet.

Both coming from Latin backgrounds, and Silas being both Persian and Latin, it was funny how unfamiliar his body was to dancing. For Selena however, it came to her easy, she loved dancing ever since she was young.

"When it came to dancing I just did the simple side to side," Silas laughs uncomfortably looking away, "I mean sure my family has tried to help me out but I can't seem to get it."

"Just listen to the music, when he sings No me importa, then you step back, after that hit step forward," Selena breathes out bringing Silas closer in by his waist then placing her palm onto his shoulder, " Don't worry, I won't give up or laugh at you."

Silas breathes out as the instructor places back the music and begins clapping to the beat watching the couples begin to move. Silas is slow with his movements as he moves with feet opposite to Selena's slowly beginning to get it. A smile lifts to her lips as she sees him watching his feet. Shaking her head, she moved her hand from his shoulder tilting his chin upwards.


"Look you are doing fine, see," Selena hummed out and he then noticed he was moving on his own without watching and a grin snuck onto his lips, "You've got it!"

Silas spun her in his arms causing a giggle to come out before the instructor came over with a smile.

"Bien trabajo tu tambien, excelente progreso Silas. Solo mueve mas tus caderas," He exclaimed before moving to another couple.

"So, I did good?" Selena asked trying to spin Silas, which he crouched to fit with a smile.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it, especially because I'm closer with you," Silas hummed pulling her closer to him.

Selena blushed looking into his eyes moving slower in this moment. The way they moved when they danced, to others may have looked painful and awkward, but to them they fit. Sure, Selena may have been in pain, toes crushed a bit from Silas but she had never had so much fun or felt so good.

"Just know I have something planned as well, and I promise you will love it," Silas whispered into her ear kissing the side of her neck softly.

A flash caught the two off-guard as the photographer of the class snapped a picture.

"It was too good to pass up," The young girl exclaims with a smile walking to snap photos of the other couples.

Selena looked at Silas and the two began laughing as they danced along the floor enjoying the moment.


What do you think about this chapter and the book so far?

What do you think Silas has planned next?

Comment and let me know your thoughts xoxo

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