Epilogue 2

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2 years later...

"Daddy, look it," Tears trickle down his two-year-old daughters face as she holds up her small finger to him and dropping the paintbrush she was using in the other hand.

Rising from his laid position beside her, Silas holds her hand carefully in his looking at the almost invisible paper cut on his daughter's finger. Rubbing her face with her other arm to get rid of the tears, Silas can't help the swell of pride with how she was trying to be brave over a cut.

Placing the finest of kisses on her finger, he stands up carrying her into his arms.

"How about we put a band aid on it? All better, amor?"

Nodding her head slowly she replies, "Si."

Laying her head on Silas' shoulder she watches her father grab the bright colored Band-Aids and points to the purple. Setting her on the counter he puts on some healing ointment and carefully wraps it. Bending her finger, a smile lifts to her lips.

Kissing the top of her finger than her head Silas smiled down at the light of his life. If you would have told him four years ago about how his life would've changed, he wouldn't ever believe it but it has.

The front door closed with a loud slam snapping Silas out of his day dream. His daughter wiggles off the counter trying to get down to find the guest. Letting her down she runs into her mother and the prodding stomach holding her next sibling.


Picking her up Selena places kisses all over her face! Silas watched with a smile from the kitchen at his entire world.

Never did he think this would be his life. A successful restaurant owner with a beautiful wife, adorable daughter, with another on the way, and all by the age of 30. Sure, he had imagined a family rather later on but he couldn't imagine this blessing any other time. Meeting Selena had changed everything for him.

"Jake!" His sister shouted running behind her mother to her older brother.

Selena shook her head with a smile watching as Jacob spoke softly with his sister in his arms. She was so happy that although having an age gap the two had gotten along seamlessly. Walking into the kitchen, she leaned instantly into Silas' opened arms. Wrapping his arms around his pregnant wife, he immediately laid a bruising kiss against her lips.

The past 6-7 years have done nothing but make his heart grow with love and admiration for his wife. Learning more about her each day, traveling the world with her, and starting a family. He never thought he would feel so loved and happy in such a short amount of time but it has happened.

"How was your day, Vida?"

"Relaxing, I really needed this. Especially the massage, I've felt so tense lately but it was great," Selena hummed closing her eyes and leaning her head on his shoulder, "And I actually didn't need to use your card at the nail salon, someone else paid for it."

"Oh yeah, who?" Silas asked teasingly, "Another boyfriend?"

"Stop it," Selena laughed with a small blush on her cheeks.

Leandra's son Zayn had always had a tony crush on Selena since he was young and recently when visiting the home had brought flowers for her. Mike, Leandra's husband had teased that Silas had some competition and Silas hasn't let Selena live it down.

"Anya had actually been there," Selena whispered out her name looking back at Jacob to see him occupied with braiding his sister's hair, "She had offered to take care of the girls and I."

6 months ago, Anya and Jacob had split and from what Selena couldn't tell it wasn't good. Jacob now lived alone in their old home and Anya had moved back with her brother. Selena could tell the two still loved each other and it was only time that could eventually bring them back.

"That was nice of her, and how is my other girl?" He asked stepping back caressing her stomach.

"She's been kicking a lot today... I think she may be coming sooner than-."

"Mommy look," Her daughter shouted out twirling around with the braids in her hair.

"So beautiful mi amor," Selena let out as Silas picked up his daughter kissing her cheek.

He smiled down at his wife and she smiled back at him. And as he caressed her bump, they both couldn't help but be happy. And they would be for a longtime.


The end!

I want to say thank you to all who have been on this journey with me through the beginning and end of this book. Theres been some breaks due to school and life but now it is all come to the end. I want to thank you for all the love and support through it all. Although Selena and Silas's story will be edited, it will come later as I focus on other stories to strengthen.

Thank you!



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