Chapter 18. Morning After

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The sun didn't wake Selena up that next morning but rather lips. The soft smooth feel of round lips moving slowly down her back. The soft smooth feel of round lips moving slowly down her back. The covers dipped low, slowly slipping down her back as Silas repeated soft kisses down her backside. She slowly awoke to the caress, enjoying the feel of him against her naked skin.

His lips detached from her skin as he moved back upwards, darting towards her lips. They met slowly, savoring as Selena turned around meeting his front with hers, wrapping one arm around his neck. The feeling of him against her was unlike anything she had felt before. He made her feel beautiful, feel loved, something a man hadn't made her feel in a long time.

Not just the way he held her, made love to her, but how he treated her. And she would savor it for the next two weeks they had left together.

"Buenos Dias, mi vida," Silas hummed out in his accented voice causing a smile to rise to her lips.

Selena had found it nice to be around another Spanish speaker. Although using the language frequently in her line of work and talking with her parents, her group of friends didn't speak the language. Well at least Alyse and Leandra. Kelsey had come from a Spanish speaking background but it was rare they spoke in Spanish unless having a disclosed conversation.

With Silas it just slipped out of her, all throughout the week they spoke majority in their first language. Learning more about each other and unknowingly falling deeper. The school break for the two was only three months and yet these months have been filled with so much pain, happiness, knowledge, and ache that it had felt much longer. And yet in that short amount of time, Selena's heart had opened up to him.

"Buenos..." Selena replied giving him a chaste kiss upon the lips.

"Check out is in a few hours, want to grab breakfast nearby?" Silas hummed under his breathe before meeting his lips to her neck, "Or I could always have my breakfast now..."

Selena let out a squeal as he bit down on her neck pushing against him. She knew if they started they wouldn't stop and as much as she wanted to savor in the moment she was a stickler for timing. So she managed to part from him and the two got dressed for breakfast nearby.


It was now the evening, the two were back in the home laying in Selena's bed cuddled together nude. Once they had sex that evening in the hotel it seemed as if they couldn't stop. Although the morning they managed to keep their hands off and get what need to be done, done. Once arriving back at the home and into her bedroom, they were insatiable.

Selena's back now arch as Silas gripped onto her leg thrown over his shoulder. Her bed that had once been pristine is now a whirlwind of thrown about sheets, clothing, and pillows. His strokes inside Selena were slow yet so deep a cry of pleasure exited her mouth, her fingers gripped the sheets already coming off of the mattress. Her eyes dilated reflecting the pleasure in her body and need to come once again.

Selena had never known sex to feel so good. Seeing as though her relationship with sex and intimacy was small, she had never felt the way she did now. Powerful, beautiful, lust, and in control. For a while it seemed that lack of control and bravery held her back yet with Silas, she no longer was afraid. She no longer held back.

Silas leaned down lifting her other leg over his shoulder while speeding up plowing into her. Tears leaked down her eyes as moans left her mouth. Cradling her arms around his neck, she brought Silas unbearably close. Kissing and sucking hard against his neck, she clenched around him watching as his neck ticked. She could tell he was close, she pulled against his hair behind his next trying to meet his every thrust.

A groan exited his mouth and she felt him swelling, knowing any moment he could cum and just from her. Only her. Her lips moved up towards his ear, biting down hard as he exploded inside of her, her orgasm following. He moved slower riding out there orgasms as one, lips meeting hers.

Silas kissed her with every fiber of his being, only moving away to catch his breath. As he watched her flushed face with curly hair draped behind her and a glint in her eye, his heart thudded. He didn't know how it happened or when but he had fallen in love with her. He was in love with his best friend's mom.

"That was-," Selena started but was cut off with a loud slam of a door.

"Mom!" Jacob yelled out causing Silas and Selena's eyes to widen.

The two tried to scramble for their clothing at the footsteps pounding up the steps moving closer to her opened door.


Getting closer to the ending!

Thank you for patience on the chapter and lovely notes along the way. What do you think is going to happen next? Comment below!

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