1. Comfortable environment. When having free time, choose the place that has the best vibes such as coffee shops, libraries, etc. Make sure to wear comfy clothes, have some snacks and sit on a comfortable at the table.
2. Clean all distractions. Don't procrastinate by going on Facebook or Instagram. Instead, use your phone as a timer so you won't use it. Turn off unimportant notifications in order to stay focused.
3. Have a plan/timetable for revision. If you are going to have a big exam, space revisions throughout the week, write down goals to accomplish each session.
4. Effective study methods. Try different methods that help you to understand the information (not just memorize). Ask yourself open-ended questions and predict what might be on the test.
5. Review old notes and quizzes. Look for the confusing parts or mistakes. Try to find more problems that are similar to your mistakes. Ask teachers if you don't understand your mistakes.
6. Recall and summarize. As you are studying, after each session, summarize and recall what you just learn and understand.
7. Draw illustrations/maps or doodle. For people who are visual learners like me, I usually break down the information to icons and connect them together. You can add colors to highlight important information.
8. Music. Try some jazz, lofi or some classical music to see if you like them. Here is my , I create jazz, lofi and classical music for studying.
Short Story(tips&trick, new year theme for yourself in 2022, set your goals, etc) we have a newfound appreciation for the magic of this vast universe for : lost&found souls™ 2021 | 4archive