What are your personal plans and goals for the month?
What is a skill you love that you have?
Write about a happy moment you think of fondly.
What is something you look forward to every February?
What relationship advice would you give to a friend or family member?
Write a bucket list of stuff you would love to do for fun.
February 7th is Send a Card to a Friend Day – Who would like to send a card to?
Are you still in touch with any of your childhood friends?
What causes or organizations are important to you?
Write about how you are grateful for your parents, even if you have conflicted feelings about them or your childhood.
What have you done this month that you are particularly proud of?
Write about your first love.
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
How do you remember Valentine’s Day as a kid?
What is some of the worst, or most ridiculous, advice you’ve ever received?
What is an embarrassing moment you can’t seem to forget? Can you find compassion for yourself or others after reflecting on the situation?
What do you fear the most in your life?
List actionable steps to help you with your fears or people you could reach out to for help.
Describe the 3 people you admire the most.
What are some of the best gifts you have ever received?
How could you be a better friend?
Are there any friends you regret falling out of contact with? Do you want to reconnect with them?
What is your love language?
If you could change just ONE thing in your life, what would it be?
What are some things you want more of in your life? Make sure to write from a perspective of more, not less.
What accomplishments or traits do you want people to remember about you?
How is journaling surprising or what unexpected things have come up for you?
How do you feel after journaling?
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