1. Drink some water. Remember to stay hydrated. More water would deliver blood and oxygen throughout the body.
2. Eat some snacks. If you are burned out, eating some snacks is a good idea of gaining more energy. You should eat healthy snacks such as nuts and fruits and should avoid high sugar food.
3. Stand up and walk around. You've been sitting and studying for a long period of time so stand up and walk. You will gain energy and improve your mood.
4. Stretching. Stretching loosens tight muscles which help your muscles both relax and increase blood flow. Also, it fixes your posture and boosts energy flow.
5. Meditating. Focus on your breathing. Calm your mind and relax,
6. Chill with music. Clear all your anxiety, turn on some upbeat music to enlighten your mood.
7. Doodle, draw, and colour.
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