Day 1: What does happiness mean to you?
Day 2: What does your dream and ideal life look like?
Day 3: If today is your last day, what would you do?
Day 4: When you feel anxious, scared, what do you need the most?
Day 5: What is the most beautiful story you can imagine in this world?
Day 6: What are limiting beliefs that holding you back from achieving your dream?
Day 7: What have you taken for granted that you are very grateful for?
Day 8: What do you want to give yourself permission to do more of?
Day 9: What do you want to give yourself permission to do less of?
Day 10: What do you hide about yourself to make others comfortable?
Day 11: Which masks do you wear to fit in and be accepted?
Day 12: What would you want to say to your younger self?
Day 13: How do you want to be remembered in life?
Day 14: What would you want to say to your future self?
Day 15: Who is your biggest model or inspiration?
Day 16: If you could wish for anything, what would you wish for?
Day 17: What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Day 18: What do you need to forgive yourself for?
Day 19: How would you describe yourself to someone you never meet before?
Day 20: If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
Day 21: What's one thing in life you have to let go to reach your full potential?
Day 22: How did your past shape you to become who you are today?
Day 23: What kind of lifestyle do you want to live in next 5 years?
Day 24: What are the good habits you want to cultivate?
Day 25: Write down 10 goals you want to achieve by the end of this year.
Day 26: What are five things you want to remind yourself everyday?
Day 27: What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Day 28: What is vacation memory that bringing most joy?
Day 29: What are things that bothering you?
Day 30: When I'm telling my grandkids about what I did in my lifetime, what would I be telling them about?
Short Story(tips&trick, new year theme for yourself in 2022, set your goals, etc) we have a newfound appreciation for the magic of this vast universe for : lost&found souls™ 2021 | 4archive