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Soomin was trembling, trembling from the excitement

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Soomin was trembling, trembling from the excitement. She sat cross-legged in front of the mirror, smiling like an idiot as she checked herself out in the mirror.

Somehow wearing Donghyuck's clothes held an absolutely new meaning, it was pretty symbolic. Despite it being just a gray t-shirt, it felt like it was some magic cloth to her.

She heard the door creak open and immediately turned to look at who came in.

 Donghyuck completely froze in the doorway, eyes glued on her. Suddenly he seemed like a little boy, too shy to even speak as a small blush came over his cheeks. He seemed so soft and vulnerable and Soomin was completely overwhelmed by the cuteness.

"You're back!" The girl squealed excitedly as she jumped up to her feet. 

"On another hand, I think Taeyong asked for me earlier, I should get going-" Donghyuck rambled, hand clutching tightly onto the door handle to try to shut it.

Soomin's eyes widened a little before she slouched, a pout on her lips. "You... are you avoiding me?" 

Donghyuck paused once again, having no idea how to respond  her being so straight-forward. Finally making eye contact, he noticed the huge puppy eyes she was giving him whilst cutely frowning at him.

The boy sighed, moving into the room whilst shutting the door behind him. He bit his lip whilst staring at the tip of his slippers, figuring out what to say next.

"Sorry, I..." He began but couldn't really continue.

Soomin smiled softly, stepping a little closer. "You're shy?" 

"WHAT?" Donghyuck screeched out in surprise, eyes widening. The red on his cheeks intensified and he looked like a lost puppy. 

"I'm sorry for being so straight forward, but I really wanted to spend some time with you. Especially because you've barely spoken to me since like yesterday." Soomin giggled, whilst looking away a little awkwardly.

"No, don't worry about it." He immediately began defending. "It's just that... I haven't really felt this way in a while and someone genuinely wanting to spend some time with me is... new."

"Aww, Hyuck." Soomin cooed whilst walking up to him. "I know so many people that would love to spend time with you. You just gotta let them in."

"You think so?" Donghyuck looked away a bit shyly, still recovering from how cute he found her saying "Hyuck". 

"Positive." The girl beamed. "Now come on, I want to talk to you about something." She said, hand clasping around the fabric of the sleeve of his hoodie as she began dragging him towards the bed. Donghyuck couldn't stop staring at how where she was touching him, kicking himself for how weak she could make him feel just with a single action.

Soomin walked up to the edge of the bed and sat down with her legs crossed, urging him to do the same.

"So..." Donghyuck swallowed, barely able to keep eye contact. "What did you wanna talk about."

"Hyuck, what do you like?"

"Huh?" He questioned with a small frown.

"Like, what are your interests? What do you enjoy doing?" Soomin asked again, eyes gleaming at him with curiosity.

Again, he was completely taken aback. The pleasant, ticklish warmth invaded his body and made him get goosebumps as he thought of an answer. 

Yet his head was empty, and he grimaced in confusion.

"I... I don't know." 

"You don't know?" Soomin's eyebrows skyrocketed as she watched him carefully.

"No... All I've been doing for so long is just work. I haven't really tried out new things in forever, or kept up with old hobbies. I've just been here, y'know?" He chuckled lightly.

"What about singing?"
"I mean, it is an interest, but I'm not very invested."

"Well I think you should be because your voice is amazing." Soomin beamed happily.

Donghyuck felt his heart clench, the rate at which she threw compliments at him making him completely red in the face. His breaths became more frequent and heavy as he looked down at the floor beside him, avoiding her gaze.

"Stop that." He muttered very quietly, but Soomin managed to hear it.

Her face immediately fell into worry and fear. "Oh my god, did I do something wrong? Did I make you uncomfortable? I am so so so sorry oh my god, I forgot that you don't like to sing often in front of people and I'm so sorry for bringing it up-"

"Stop complimenting me." Donghyuck interrupted her with a breath, making the girl completely freeze. "It makes my heart beat."

Soomin slowly relaxed her muscles, a small loving smile befalling on her lips as she watched him be flustered. Something within her urged her to just give him a big fat teddy bear hug.

But instead, her palms slowly met up and met with his face, cupping it as she encouraged him to face her. She sent him an encouraging grin.

"Donghyuck." She said in almost a whisper. "You deserve so many compliments. You've gone through so much, but here you are, still strong and healthy. Even though you can be a little rough sometimes, I know the real you is so incredibly kind and caring and I could've never asked for someone better to have in front of me right now. I truly believe that you deserve a comfortable and loving life, Hyuck. Trust me you really do. And I hope that you let me be part of it."

Her monologue almost brought the boy to tears, feeling his entire body weaken with what she had told him. In a sudden burst, his hands encircled around her and he pulled her so close to him, squeezing her to the point that the girl could barely breath. Donghyuck rested his face on the top of her head, strands of her soft hair tickling his jawline and neck. Soomin didn't take long to return the gesture, hands wrapping around his torso as she buried her face in his hoodie.

"Min, I love you." He muttered quietly whilst slowly rocking them side-to-side.

"Min? Aw that's cute, call me that more often." Soomin whispered with a smile on her face.

"I love you too, Hyuck."

Not me posting this a day after making a very dramatic announcement about how I need some time to myself

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Not me posting this a day after making a very dramatic announcement about how I need some time to myself

But y'all gotta understand that an online math lecture gives so much writing inspiration fr

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