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Soomin's eyes opened slowly

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Soomin's eyes opened slowly. At first her surroundings were blurry and unrecognizable, but as she awakened further, she recognized everything with ease. In front of her was the rest of the mattress that she was currently sleeping on, the wooden wall in front of her.

The cabin was warm and cozy, just like the first time that her now friends had brought her there. This time around she had made her own addition, going on a shopping spree to buy nice smelling candles online and then getting scolded by Taeyong, but it was worth it. 

She could hear the zoned-out noises of a video game being played on the huge TV behind her, although the usual screams and loud speaking that she had fallen asleep to were absent. That's what got her to turn around, eyes immediately landing on the single figure sitting on the couch.

His hair was messy as usual, eyes reflecting the bright light coming from the TV. He was way too focused to notice that she had awoken, fingers furiously clicking and moving things of the PlayStation controller in his hands.

Soomin just stared at him in silence. She was unconsciously mesmerized by his everything, his whole existence warming her up from the inside out. The way that he was slowly transforming from a cold, merciless asshole into someone kind and fun to be around.

But actually, it wasn't like that. Donghyuck wasn't a cold, merciless asshole. He was just hurting, barricading his true self inside in fear of judgement and more pain. And although it took the girl quite a while to arrive to this conclusion, she was glad she did. Because that made her cherish him even more. 

Again, without uttering a word, Soomin got up. Donghyuck didn't pay attention to that, merely flinching as he felt the couch beside him dipping and then the familiar head being placed on his shoulder. And although this made both of their hearts scream excitedly, they had gotten so used to this skinship that it didn't really trigger a physical reaction. 

"You're awake." Donghyuck exclaimed in a hoarse voice, unable to give out any other reaction.

Soomin just simply hummed, aiming to just enjoy this short, sweet moment and not let it lead to any argument or anything.

That also seemed to be Donghyuck's goal as he also remained silent, also melting into the calmness and relaxation.

"Why were you mad at me before?" Soomin suddenly asked, making the boy frown.

"I was mad?"
"You seemed to be." She replied confidently, although in a soft and sleepy tone.

"I wasn't mad, I was just-"


Soomin raised an eyebrow as she looked up at his jawline, seeing the boy's Adam's apple throb lightly.

"I just wasn't mad." He sighed, the grip on his controller tightening.

The girl pouted her lips slightly, an unknown feeling of disappointment flooding through her.

"Alright, after I finish this, we should go back. It's late." Donghyuck continued the conversation a little bit dryly, almost feeling awkward about lying to her.


He continued playing the videogame silently, feeling more and more overwhelmed at the head weighing down on his shoulder. Their usual silence felt strange and uncomfortable, and the boy felt choked up by the words hanging at the tip of his tongue. Yet he was too scared of messing up to dare to say anything, and Soomin wasn't of much help.

But she felt the opposite way. She cherished, adored this short moment. Kun's words about her maybe leaving soon kept circulating her mind, tormenting her. It was a terrifying it was: what was going to happen to her back home? What was going to happen to NCT? What was going to happen to Donghyuck?

No, she would not allow any harm to be thrown their way. She would swear on it.

Just as she was drifting off again, the TV went black and she could feel Donghyuck stretching his muscles.

"Hey, Soomin. Let's go back." He announced, quietly and softly, before lightly lifting her head up from his shoulder. The boy stood up first, turning to her in almost the pitch-black room. 

Yet all that he was met with was Soomin's extended arms towards him.

"Carry me." She demanded sleepily, with puppy eyes.

Of course, Donghyuck hesitated. The simple phrase set off havoc in his brains. And for the first time, he didn't recognize any Yuna in it. It was just Soomin.

"I-..." He trailed off, feeling his lungs burning. Yet he finally let the nervousness go, sighing as it happened. "Okay fine. Get on." 

After dropping down low and helping Soomin onto her back, Donghyuck turned off all the LED lights with ease. And as if he didn't have a full ass human on his back, he casually began walking through the dark forest.

It was dark, chilly and creepy, blackness sweeping every corner and the light wind rustling the leaves. But the two figures as if emitted an aura of warmth, comfort and attraction. Like a bustling star in the middle of a pitch black galaxy. 

Soomin muttered something incoherent and buried her face in Donghyuck's neck, arms tightening around him. 

"Donghyuck?" She asked, very, very quietly. 

"Yes?" The boy hummed, a little bit caught off guard by the warmth of her breath on his exposed skin.

"I feel safe with you." 

It was surprising, it really was. Enough so that Donghyuck had to stop for a few short seconds before retrieving his sanity and continuing to walk forward. 

"Safe? With me? I don't think that's how it's supposed to work." He chuckled lightly in an unusually silky and honey-filled voice. 

Soomin looked up to look at the side of his face, a faint, ghostly smile painting her lips. "You're laughing?" 

"Huh?" Donghyuck got taken aback slightly, embarrassment looming over him shortly after. 

"Do that more. It suits you."

And with that, she buried her head in the crook of his neck and left the boy to walk the rest of the way in silence.

And with that, she buried her head in the crook of his neck and left the boy to walk the rest of the way in silence

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fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff 

it really shows that this is kind of new to both of them, Soomin had never really felt proper love or a strong attraction to someone, whilst Donghyuck is slowly remembering how to feel after 2 years of feeling numb

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