𝔾𝕒𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕌
Being a young heiress, Park Soomin is often the victim of many abductions, where she is then exchanged for compensation from her father. It's become a normality for her. But everything is completely different once she gets kidnapped by...
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Not even days later, back in the courtroom she was.
Soomin took comfort in the fact that instead of Mr. Kim, she noticed her cousin Chanyeol sitting beside Donghyuck. And she knew perfectly well how unsettled her father felt the moment they locked eyes.
Chanyeol was a disgrace to the Park family. He had thrown away his heritage after being sick and tired of being tied down by the family name. The day he left his home to pursue a free loader life and go to a brand new law institute, he was instantly erased out of any family documents and wills. It was a horrible time for everyone.
And now, Soomin's father had to see that face that brought so much shame to his brother's family years ago.
The girl looked up, trying to lock eyes with Donghyuck, yet he abnormally kept them low. He refused to look at anyone, as if he was scared? Ashamed?
That instantly worried Soomin. She felt something was wrong with him, just as easily as when he knew something was wrong with her. But she was helpless and left in oblivion as all she could do was speculate.
She didn't get much time to think as the judge arrived, putting a start to yet another trial.
The day was almost identical to the last: Mr. Kang stated his previously made points as well as a couple of new arguments, but this time he received heavy retaliation from the opposition. Chanyeol stood true to his promise- fighting relentlessly against any claim made by Mr. Kang, and most of the time winning.
Time passed, the 15 minute break came and went, and the trial continued. But this time, after having a talk with Donghyuck, Chanyeol felt much angrier and much more emotional as he put forward his points.
After another ridiculous claim from Mr. Kang, the opposition stood up.
"If what you're saying is true, why hasn't the victim testified even once in court?!"
It was as if the whole room went silent after the bold statement. All eyes turned to Soomin, who's mouth fell slightly agape.
He was right. Not a single time was she asked to speak, not by the court, her lawyer or even the opposition. She had never agreed to anything Mr. Kang spewed, and it was all accepted ass true despite her input.
The judges simultaneously looked at each other, the main man clearing his throat. "We've received a notice that the victim is unwilling to testify due to extensive trauma. Has that changed, Mr. Kang?"
"No it hasn't, your honor. My client isn't mentally stable enough to testify. I have submitted medical references to the court at the beginning of the trial." Mr. Kang exclaimed confidently.
But before any other words could be spoken, Soomin slowly got up from her chair.
"Your honor." She spoke in a loud voice, easily grabbing the attention of the court room once again. "I have never been asked to testify. My opinion has never been considered."
"That means that the opposition is withholding information." Chanyeol immediately jumped at the opportunity. "I believe the evidence provided by Mr. Kang and his firm should not be considered verified information, due to the fact that there is no confirmation by the victim that would back-up any of the claims."
"As I said, the victim is unable to give a proper testimony due to her unstable mental state. According to the law, a testimony given by a person who is not justified to give one is considered inaccurate and could differ from what actually happened." Mr. Kang immediately retaliated.
"Do you know what happened then? The victim is the only witness other than the multiple defendants kept in prison. Therefore, using your logic, the trial must be put on stand-by until the victim recovers from the trauma and is in the right mental state to testify."
"I do not believe that that will be necessary, Mr. Park." Mr. Kang was clearly getting agitated, his teeth grinding against each other as he spoke. "I've presented plenty of evidence to the court that proves that it is extremely likely that the victim suffered mental and physical abuse during her abduction. One reason being exactly her DIAGNOSED mental condition."
"I was not-" Soomin tried to speak out, but she felt something digging into the skin of her wrist. Looking down, she noticed her father's hand tightly wrapper around hers, strictly mouthing for her to 'sit down'.
"Even if it is 'extremely likely' as you say, there is still no solid evidence of any physical abuse having been committed against the victim. This is proven by the countless medical examinations she went through: there were no signs of scarring or injury found anywhere on her body, a rape kit was used and determined that she hadn't been sexually harassed, and through examining her blood and digestive system, she was proven to have been fed properly. There is absolutely no proof that would support your statements, unless the victim comes forward and testifies for them." Chanyeol managed to say all of that in one single breath.
Mr. Kang was finally tipped over the edge. "The defendant has displayed outrageously violent behavior through his lifetime, considering his numerous arrests for assault as well as his acts in jail. Mr. Park, did you know that Mr. Lee Donghyuck beat up another inmate just yesterday?"
There it was. The ultimate argument.
The judge raised an eyebrow, equally as surprised as everyone else in the room. Clearly no one except Soomin's father and the lawyer knew that ever happened.
Chanyeol whipped his head to the side to look at his client, yet was met with Donghyuck hanging his head low in shame.
"What are you suggesting Mr. Kang?" The judge turned towards the male.
"It was reported that Lee Donghyuck viciously attacked another inmate yesterday at approximately 7pm. That inmate had to be taken to hospital due to how serious his condition ended up being after the horrific damage Mr. Lee inflicted on him."
Soomin felt her heart dropping to the ground. She knew what this meant. Everyone would look at him as a violent animal that should stay locked up. He was dangerous in their eyes.
And those were the last words Soomin could think of before the judge tapped his wooden hammer down, demanding silence in the court room.
"The trial shall end now. We'll need more sessions for the final verdict. The court will take into consideration arguments made by both parties today very seriously. For now, accounting for Mr. Lee's violent behavior, he will no longer be allowed to receive visitors during his stay at the jail, the only exception being his lawyer Mr. Park." The judge gave his verdict, ending yet another day of the painful trial.
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