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"So, how much will you guys demand for me?" Soomin's blunt question shocked everyone in the room as they all snapped towards her

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"So, how much will you guys demand for me?" Soomin's blunt question shocked everyone in the room as they all snapped towards her. She continued eating her bread innocently, seemingly not too fazed by the fact that she was being stared at.

"Oh..." Taeyong gulped. He looked towards his members for support, yet everybody was equally as speechless as him. "Uh... around $500K ?" Even he did not know why he answered that question, but he felt as if he had to.

Soomin looked up with slight disapproval on her face. "No way."


"I'm worth so much more than that, like, what can y'all do with 500K? That's the amount of money we donate to charity every month." Her spoiled side came out as she put down the bread.

"I think 500K is fine. If we do get caught, we'll probably suffer less from it." Ten spoke his mind from not too far away, feeling slightly belittled by her careless words.

"Sure then." Soomin shrugged. She didn't even try to convince them that they won't get caught, and although she kind of liked it here, she couldn't prevent what was bound to happen.

The guys all looked at each other, seeing how careless she actually was about the entire situation.

"Don't you want to... go back? You don't seem like you do really." Johhny asked warily, making Soomin think slightly. She then shook her head.

"Nah, not really."

"Why?" He asked, even more confused.

"Well... because." She shrugged. "You may have kidnapped me but you don't need to know everything about my personal life."

Johnny pursed his lips together as she was right. The girl didn't seem to give it much of a thought as she stood up from her chair and left the room.

But she was still quite conflicted about what to feel about this. On one hand, she wanted to leave but on another, she didn't. Her head throbbed from the pressure and she sighed, walking down the hallway towards Winwin's room.

"What." Donghyuck asked in a deep, surprised tone as he stood in front of Taeyong's desk. The elder sighed.

"Soomin will be moving into your room."

"But why?" Donghyuck scoffed, feeling extremely reluctant. Taeyong sighed with a shrug.

"From the beginning we decided that she would rotate rooms too. She had been staying in Sicheng's room for a while now, doesn't he deserve to sleep on his own bed at all?" The gang leader continued, avoiding the other's hardened glare.

"Can't she go sleep in the infirmary or something? There's beds there." Donghyuck continued whining. Taeyong looked up, his turn to be dominant.

"Can you tell me when I asked? This is not debatable, Donghyuck, so you might as well stop being a whiny brat and go clean your shit." His words were bitter.

Although the younger boy was angered by this as he did not want Soomin in his room at all, he understood Taeyong's reasoning. And also felt quite bad for him actually. He's been quite stressed with not just the girl's matter, but also the Phantoms who attacked the shed.

"Ugh, fine." Donghyuck rolled his eyes, feeling defeated and he stormed out of Taeyong's small office. He strolled down the quiet hallway, as mostly everyone was chilling inside their rooms instead of roaming the house.

The boy came into his room and slammed the door shut. But what he didn't expect when he turned around to see Soomin who was staring at him wide-eyed from where she sat on the bed. Donghyuck was also quite taken aback as he gawked slightly.

"Why... why are you here?" He managed to say as he stared at her confused.

"I just came back to put these clothes away..." The girl spoke softly, pointing towards the t-shirt and shorts she borrowed who laid neatly on the bed beside her. Donghyuck's eyes shifted between the clothes and her, this not answering his question.

"Then why are you sitting on my bed?" 

"Ah, haha, funny story, uh..." She staggeded, chuckling nervously as he raised an eyebrow. "I just thought it looked soft okay? Like, Winwin's bed is really hard and it lowkey hurts my back and yours is just so comfortable..." Soomin looked away, slightly ashamed, her usual confidence nowhere in sight for some reason.

But what she didn't expect was a quiet laugh coming from the boy and her head snapped up to see him covering a hand over his mouth to hide his amusement. This was actually the first time Soomin had seemed him genuienly seem to be having a good time which left her speechless. 

"Are you laughing?" She blurted out in disbelief slighand Donghyuck's smile died down and he cleared his throat, becoming serious yet again.

"Uh... Taeyong said you'll be staying in my room from now on." He said, feeling slightly awkward.

Soomin blinked a couple of times before a small smile came up to her face. "Really? That means I'll sleep here?"

Donghyuck nodded slightly.

"Yes! I won't have to sleep on a hard mattress anymore!" She exclaimed happily, falling back onto the soft sheets of the boy's bed.

He couldn't help but smile at her innocent excitement. But he wouldn't let it show, therefore quickly straightened back up with his face back to looking like a stone.

"Get out so I can clean up because boss told me to." Donghyuck said strictly and with a slight groan, Soomin got up.

"Hurry up please, I'm quite tired." She yawned before walking out.

" She yawned before walking out

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Hyuck do be falling doee

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